Of course this racist prick’s family runs a cotton farm.
Of course this racist prick’s family runs a cotton farm.
Trump remembers the terrible reception of his jokes at the Alfred E. Smith Foundation Dinner, back during the election. If my jokes were booed, I can’t imagine I’d turn up to an event where I was expected to tell more jokes.
Redistribution? Like all women should be herded into some collectivist mechanism? Or am I supposed to be offering up my wife for 1 day a week, as an act of charity?
Yes, it’s advice on how to do the job if he gets it.
Are we sure about the “explicitly” interpretation? They did remove “expressly delegated”, after all. Also: isn’t this where the Necessary and Proper Clause comes in? Arguably, the Constitution’s stuff about organising, arming and disciplining the Militia is relevant.
She call him Mr Boombastic.
I only read the first quote and thought ‘what a cunt’. Although I’m British and we throw the c-word round like confetti, I think it’s fitting to read, even for a US audience.
It might not be free but there’s the argument that it’s the responsibility of the state to ensure its citizens have food, shelter and healthcare. That giving its citizens those basic rights is worth the cost.
Starred because I just made the same joke.
Perhaps it’s the same scandal. Maybe Sean Hannity is the one giving Trump the golden shower?
If this is your first encounter with Goop’s jade eggs, take a look at https://gizmodo.com/no-you-should-not-put-jade-eggs-in-your-vagina-because-1791390211
I meant his constituents’ reaction–“Now that’s a man who will defend my rights” –after hearing him pull a gun in a restaurant. As though the gun use was the differentiating factor, not his aptitude as a politician.
I know the original (white) colonists had a hard brutal time of it. Roanoke comes to mind, and the Donner (dinner!) Party. Obviously, the Revolutionary War and Civil War too.
She and the administration she works for makes me “[sic] nauseam”
He was so “unfloored” that I wasn’t sure he’d heard the question. Just watching it, I was bewildered by the leap from “here’s the shitty consequences of your policies” to “are you a robot?”
But some of the women ended up on the cover of Time. Tony Robbins has never been on the cover of Time. Ergo they’re using the movement to gain significance. It’s obvious–if you’re a self-interested blowhard, like this guy.
And any film, really.
But that point is pointless. It doesn’t reveal any insight into the issue. We all know that. It’s answering a question no one asked - all to ignore the actual question.
We don’t usually let warring nations turn up to ceasefire negotiations with guns. And yet here’s this guy, in a public restaurant...
What loon/liar says they don’t mind dying?! “Welp, I guess it would mess up my dinner plans, inconvenience my wife and make me late for work, but meh. Not bothered either way.”