That seems implausible. How would that even work?
That seems implausible. How would that even work?
I forgave you for that
And don’t people slide to the right as they age? Maybe their social justice remains stable but their priorities shift to conserving their small wealth, staying safe, keeping their job.
If you wait for them to die, then they’ll just use that time inculcating the next generation of racists.
Capitalism always eats itself. The state should be protecting its people from the exorbitance of capitalism.
the terrible, risky, profit-driven practices that characterize the private sector get mixed in with services that absolutely should not be subjected to that kind of risk
I’d expect something stronger when talking about complying with the law. Not “yeah, we’d like you to avoid anything illegal, ideally, if you like”.
It’s interesting that the miniskirt became popular because it allowed women to break free from the modesty imposed through long dresses. “Luckily” the patriarchy is nothing if not adaptable and went straight to objectification.
LW1 - “I meant it as a joke” is that worn-out excuse for him acting on a creepy impulse. What exactly was the joke? Where’s the set-up and the punchline?
And if I, a white Brit, happened to overstay my visa, I bet that I wouldn’t end up in such a place. It was never about criminality.
And the key bit in “self-degradation” is “self”, as in “self-determined”. It’s supposed to be chosen–not inflicted unexpectedly from a distant colleague in a supposedly professional environment.
You’ve obviously never seen all those rom-coms where, at the end, the gallant male lead rushes to his beloved and offers the greatest of romantic gestures: “Oi, luv, give me a handjob”
All true–but I’m not sure I am comfortable with “seduction”. It feels one-sided, trying to persuade an initially uninterested person to acquiesce to your wants. There’s no mutuality to it, no back’n’forth–just wearing someone down, driven by one person’s agenda. Rather than jointly arriving at a common place.
pretty common term in the UK
Seems like a pile of straw misrepresenting the #metoo movement. Basically, these french signatories are adopting the Matt Damon Misunderstanding.
Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability
That’s because Chewie was never Han’s sidekick. Han was Chewie’s pet.
should have scrolled down before I responded—you’ve already clarified!
I thought Immaculate Conception referred to Mary being born without the stain of Original Sin. Combined with her virginity, it ensured that Jesus was born of a “pure vessel”—both physically and spiritually.
See also that LBJ quote: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”