Christian Connor

Very wise!

Me too. The article seems to be saying the tweet went awry because people will make bad-faith interpretations—but that can’t be avoided.

I found this bit particularly compelling: ‘“You know that saying ‘borrow a cup of sugar’?” Meza added. “Living in a low-income community is that times a hundred. If I can’t pay rent, someone can lend me $100. If one of our friends is taken by ICE, our community is able to build a campaign to get one of them released. G

God told him. No scientific method required.

Some Allen movies do garner Oscars for the stars. But given he does a film every year, it’s not like it’s a surefire route. Seems like they’d be better off going a different way.

Let’s pretend for a moment that she did make a free choice.

You say they appear affectionate but she’s clearly leaning away from him.

“Come to”? Isn’t that where it started, in January?

My wedding photographer has sold it as getting us used to having our pictures taken. Given I can never remember how to smile, it seems wise to get the practice in.

only if you put it in the Ts & Cs

More cynically, I don’t think it’s a failure of imagination. I think it’s a deliberate strategy to bind together a young nation that is so big and diverse that it could easily fracture.

I think that, when the Democrats submit their gun control bill, they should name it the “Thoughts & Prayers Act”.

I assume Scout’s use of “they” was because they didn’t want their gender identity clarified.

All true. But, honestly, if that’s where she is on the curve, then she shouldn’t be employed by the White House at all.

It’s easy to get 100% voter turnout - if you only let one person vote.

You are not making it up. In addition to the other films mentioned, I highly recommend them in A Room With A View - they are delicious.

I spent far too long trying to work out what “coat squares” are, and how someone might “drop [them] up”.

Is ‘founder’ the best word when people’s lives are being submerged?

$400,000 is pretty much 4 years’ worth of golf-cart rentals. Trump will make his money back.

Even more fundamentally - Virginia is named after Queen Elizabeth and Maryland after the wife of King Charles.