
I went for a job interview in the early 70's where a friend was in management. I got through the interviews and was told that to be hired I would need to take the standard battery of tests which included an I.Q. test. My friend called and informed me he was unable to offer me the job because of test insufficiencies. I

If the order was wrong enough, meaning destruction of material or lives the phrase; “Would you put the order in writing so I can be sure to execute it properly?” worked for me on more than one occasion.

As a child of the 60's and a veteran of the late great hate in Asia where we eventually procured the ribbon for second place; I found the loss of life always tragic but sometimes also viewed it as evolution in action.

How old were you when you started getting those calls for a mature employee / team member? I am 70 and am still getting such requests which started in my late fifties.