
I think I would have liked it better if the film just ended with Lisa giggling to herself about having made it.

I didn't expect it to be good either, but I think I'll place more trust in the opinions of the people who've actually seen the movie.

This article is pretty funny in retrospect.

I think TNG's humor is more understated than a lot of Americans are used to.

I think they explained it away by saying he picked it up during his Academy years.

IIRC Stewart only signed on to TNG because he didn't expect it to be successful. He didn't want to be tied down by a TV show that might run for several seasons.

Ah yes. The typical ahole trying to prove his own maturity.

I was surprised how much I liked Ariana Grande. She actually has very good comic timing. And I will admit to feeling insanely jealous when Colin Jost got a kiss from Cecily.

Bruce was killed in the cave in at the end of Endgame. The dionesium healed him and brought him back to life, but the damage to his brain apparently caused memory loss. It is rather convenient that he only forgot about being Batman.

I half expected that, but I guess it would have been kind of cliche. Rick would probably have already discovered if he lived in a microverse anyway considering the technology he has at his disposal.

The issue is that Rick obviously doesn't care about human progress. For the most part, he doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself and pursues his own hedonistic desires. I think his discovery of the multiverse has driven him to a nihilistic view of existence. Basically, he realizes that with an infinite number of

I don't think it's really that Hollywood is out of ideas. They don't invest in original ideas simply because they don't like taking risks.

Though it hasn't been publicized very much, Tom Kane has actually been providing the voice of Woodhouse since season 5. And from what I've heard, Woodhouse is planned to have a much larger role in season 7 than the previous two, so I doubt they'll be killing off the character soon.

You're correct. George Coe actually left the show last year, probably for health reasons, and Tom Kane took over the role.

I wonder why Spielberg never used Dodgson again. He's the antagonist of the second novel.

Not exactly an original premise.

As someone who studied geology, I cringed when Valeria mentions that carbon dating was performed on an object she claims is made of exotic matter. You can't carbon date something that doesn't have carbon in it.

Didn't they say Big Bob sold his restaurant in "Uncle Teddy?" Seems like a bit of a continuity error.

It's honestly a breath of fresh air after all the animated comedies featuring ridiculously dysfunctional families like Family Guy.

I think Kirk is mixing up his sixes and nines. I'm pretty sure the audience rating peaked in the mid-60s.