
When I look at this issue objectively

Ugh what a fucking whiner. Watch something else then, eh? Or write your own books if it bothers you so much.

Can I just note how EXTREMELY fucking weird it is to be this passionately enthralled with a huge faceless multinational corporation? Or how EXTREMELY fucking weird it is to feel this level of burning hatred for a huge faceless multinational corporation?

No, it's not like that at all. You don't have to actually state somewhere what people can be refused service, and you can terminate service for any reason, at any time, as long as the customer is not a member of a protected class.

No, there are not laws. Not for that kind of thing.

People aren't born with tattoos. I mean, I don't know if you knew that.

Actually, it's probably not textbook ASPD or psychopathy, which are extremely rare conditions...and can never be accurately diagnosed based on a few news reports.

A) That would actually make them MORE violent and dangerous.

We could easily do that in this country if we actually gave a shit about justice.

Fortunately, the Founding Fathers expected this, and they made it very hard for dangerously self-righteous people like you to impose your will on the rest of us.

It amazes me that in the 21st Century people still think like this.

Well said. Justice is doing what is right even when you're enraged.

We don't have the resources to keep them all in prison for the rest of their lives. If we started tomorrow with mandatory life sentences for sexual assault, within 30 years we'd be spending half our GDP on prison costs.

You're going to need to build a lot of prisons then, thousands of them. Good for our for-profit prison industry, but I'm not sure it's the best solution for anyone else.

Vengeance serves no one. And science has conclusively proven that everyone except the most severely mentally ill can be successfully rehabilitated.

Almost certainly, unless they learn to be even MORE hyper-violent and predatory than they already are.

Unless you want to give mandatory life sentences for all crimes, you better start giving a shit what happens to them after that.

Well, I already bought the game, so if they want to continue making it less crappy that's okay with me.

With 540 rem of radiation per day hitting Europa's surface, you'd be able to enjoy those lovely views for about twenty whole seconds before your eyeballs melted.

You see Sam, here's where I don't follow. You may know some nice guy hunters, but virtually all the ones I've ever known are like Modus here: faux tough guys who harbor paranoid fantasies of Obama coming to forcibly register their guns, or something. Weirdos, basically, who seem like exactly the kind of people we