
I think I'll catch it when they Da Do Rerun Run.


"Beaten By The Monster Of Love"

That was the teaser post to this article's comment section.

They pulled it off the air because it was anime.

SNL had a sketch about a version of the '76 King Kong edited to remove the WTC.

I've actually seen conspiracy theorists claim the towers were full of empty space and virtually all of the interior was never completed or rented.

T'Pau is getting another JJ Abrams movie this spring.

Renaming "Everything But The…" would seem to be MUCH more appropriate.

He was obviously a Voyager fan.

Living through 'Around the Sun' was worth it to reach 'Collapse Into Now' (+ the leftovers).

A number of reasons:

Unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts, only Strathairn is available to do the job.

We all know he viciously attacked Rihanna, but if you haven't read the actual affidavit, you really, really need to. This guy is incredibly fucking dangerous.

Hey AMC,

@avclub-b3fe4f5a8793b5499e143cdf1253caff:disqus I LOVED the OmniMAX at the Museum of Science.

You can be sure that in some corner of the world, Greta Gerwig was just heard exclaiming "Now I can totally buy that condo!"

Are you thinking of the end of They Live?

That's like having a famine on No Reservations.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus So you're saying Suicide Kings is the Monster of the used DVD bin?