
And the OP here seems to think a young Sanders’ musings informs his candidacy for President.

Both 27-year-old and 67-year-0ld Clinton are careerist, opportunistic shells of human beings who have pulled unethical stops purely to win.

(except one of these candidates has actually harmed a woman)

It’s kind of sad and funny that you don’t see the parallels here.

Yes, a shady one who terrorized a 12-year old using sexist tropes.

Yeah it’s like when Hillary Clinton maligned a 12-year old rape victim.

What about Hillary’s platform makes her better than Sanders on women’s issues?

Hillary’s campaign prob leaked this to conservative outlets/jezebel

It’s possible that Harden thought it was Ariza or really anyone besides Howard in the corner of his eye. He immediately called for the ball back as soon as it was out of his hands.

this is awful.

Oye, apologies!

This response to La.C. has mysteriously disappeared...

That it might be dangerous for the nail technician is a whole lot different than saying it might be rude. If you fear it’s the latter, just ask if your nail technician is being paid a living wage. The human dignity that a living wage affords trumps any unpleasantries of raising this issue out in the open.

If you

I was responding to your initial argument, that if you raise the prices of manicures, nail technicians will be out of work. This argument is exactly parallel to the arguments that propped up inhumane working conditions 100 years ago (regardless of the fact that there may have been individual exceptions to rampant

Oh well then, I guess

I think offending pleasantries in the grand scheme of things is less important than considering your personal consumer choices and affecting labor reform.

Right, but you would still owe a doctor the same amount of money if they gave you a wrong diagnoses or suggested you get a second opinion.