
I was you up unitl about a year or so ago. I was like fuck those guys, this show sounds like emotional trash. Then I was sick and decided to see what all the fuss was about. I binge watched every season on Netflix, all 13 seasons in an embarrassingly short time. Where I had made fun of McDreamy I fell in love. It’s an

My thoughts as well. What exactly did she do? Do we need to listen to the whole album to know?

THANK YOU! I was so hoping this wouldbe done. 🖒

Kratz and his creepy lady voice are the most haunting part the the entire ordeal.

Yes,that is true...but it could be him in the video.

Sweet Jesus, is that Rob Ford as auctioneer?


Blah blah Miley shocked us all, I'm over it and I have a question. Pardon my ignorance, but from what I gather everyone is screaming racism over her video and her "use" of black women in her performance. Does anyone know what the actual women in the video think of all this? Are they so offended that they are making a

Now playing

And for the record, this is a great Wrecking Ball song. By Mother Mother

Where. Are. All. Of. Her. Pants.

I lost a lot of brain cells reading those "lyrics". I can just picture the smug look on his face when he rhymed house with spouse, why that is just musical genius. I feel sadness for the death of music if this is what the kids are listening to these days.

When I was 22 and a single mother, I would have totally agreed and been like, Fuck Yeah it's the bestest better than your stupid two parent family bitches! Mostly out of trying to convince my scared-to-death young self it was going to be ok.

It's an entire gang of Justin Biebers. I know, it's ok to be scared.

Santa - hater parents are funny...until they have kids the age of which they are mocking other parents. Pick one or the other-Santa or no Santa period and have the balls to stick it out if you go no Santa. Otherwise, your argument is invalid.