
Hi there very real and legitimate Sanders supporter with an account created an hour ago. Thanks for your contribution 

She’s currently in 3rd in delegates. And Bernie isn’t in first. So, if you want to claim that “the primary is over”, then you better be prepared to vote Buttigieg in November.

Oh my god shut the fuck up, two states out of 50 have voted. I’m an obvious Bernie supporter but just shut upppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

Yeah no, the primary is not over, I don’t need the residents of Iowa and New Hampshire speaking for me.

One of these sites had to step on the Sanders pile of dogshit after Splinter got the boot. I guess Jezebel drew the short straw. 

AMEN.  What the fuck does it take? 


Yes! And also, this article is basically saying “sure, this likely sexist thing is most likely happening to this woman, but complaining about it isn’t a good look, so she should stop”...pretty disappointing and lame.

IDK I thought the “sweeping reform candidate with ACTUAL FUCKING STEP-BY-STEP PLANS” was a pretty great niche but what do I know

Sanders’ comments that being a woman is a liability somehow turning into a problem for Warren [kisses fingers] I mean that is some primo top shelf horse shit.

Jezebel literally erased Warren from their narrative just a few weeks ago, when Ashley Reese contrived to discuss Sanders and Buttigieg struggling for first place in the primary, sneer at Biden in fourth - but somehow omitted completely to mention Warren beating Biden in third. Doesn’t count?

I was hanging with friends this weekend and we got on to politics. More than one in the group said they really love Warren but now that’s she’s done, they are looking at someone else. When I said “she’s not done, you can still vote for her” they were like, “Oh...right. I can still vote for her.”

Well, she’s paid for her missteps more than anyone else, hell she even paid for Sander’s mistep (a woman can’t win.) The media HAS taken its focus off of her no doubt, she’s not getting positive coverage at all. Hell, this is a “supposedly” feminist site, and the loudest political blogger here, has been writing

I strongly disagree (and according to the internet am the only one who does).

I go back to what a feminist author once said:

I have to say, from the onset of this “scandal” it felt sort of weird how Warren was immediately declared the liar, while Bernie is the poor kindly old socialist grandpa, CLEARLY hurt by all this and how his friend is beating on him frowny face.

Take a look at the initial comments where Warren’s staff just refuses to

My brother is a Bernie supporter, and a rabid one at that. I supported Bernie in the 2016 primary (and was even a caucus level delegate for him), but prefer Warren this time around for the primary, and you would think I’ve told him I’m a Trump supporter he’s so nasty about it. Last summer I even told him I didn’t want

In short: He’s an idiot. A politician who, like any other, lies all the time, but who can’t bring himself to tell a lie that builds other people up. It’s not like saying you believe Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobuchar or Joe Biden would be great presidents is going to change anybody’s understanding that you’re still

As a fellow Warren supporter, this is the correct take. I don’t doubt that Bernie made remarks about the electability of a woman candidate, because he was probably saying what we’ve all thought in the wake of 2016: wait, is this country too sexist to elect a woman? I personally believe it isn’t, which is part of why I

Objectively? It was a private conversation 2 years ago. What is it you are looking at “objectively” to make any determination here?