
Oh I know why the Sanders campaign narrative asserts they don’t want Bernie Sanders to win. Problem is that it’s not rooted in any actual facts to support that assertion.

I don’t know, this might be unfair, but I am still annoyed Bernie ran in the first place. I’m sure his campaign was already gearing up when Warren announced her campaign, but I really wish he would of looked at her ideas and plans and generally competency as a politician, and instead just backed her and campaigned for

My heart hurts worse and worse over this everyday.

Welcome to clickbait eating clickbait coverage. I believe Warren. It’s perfectly possible that Bernie said that the mouth breathers of this country won’t elect a woman without him being a misogynistic. But, live by the oversimplified headline to gain clicks, die by it. It would be nice if she could expand that

And, no, this is not something where we’re going to “both sides” it or try and split the difference. This is not a “yes and no,” or some kind of grand distinction with a difference. No.

find it more frustrating that Bernie would deny saying it than that he said it in the first place. If he’d just come out and said that he doesn’t remember but was clearly feeling pessimistic at the time and that he’d love to see a female president, I’d have no issue. Denying it is the same playbook dudes use

I believe Warren. You’d have to believe she’d risk a bold-faced lie like this, and also that you couldn’t believe Bernie would say something like this. I can totally see Bernie saying something like this, least among them is because millions of Americans have made the exact same argument out loud without much shame.

Let me save the inevitable trolls some time (trolls are like death and taxes)

Look, we get it, a crotchety old man will be elected president in 2020. We just don’t know which one yet.

Nixon got the ball rolling on demonizing elites back in the sixties.

I’d love to get back to the time where being educated or well-read can be seen as a positive thing again.

My feeling is that if we’re choosing between two people with similar views and strengths, let’s get the one who is slightly younger, demonstrably healthier, and breaks a glass ceiling. And who has a demonstrated ability to learn and grow. This whole “Bernie was OG!” thing irritates me because he doesn’t really seem as

The line about being highly educated really ground my gears. Like having a good education/good job is a liability. Trump and his bastion of idiots are the anti-intellectuals. Don’t use their playbook. Why would you even entertain such a thing when it’s absolutely possible to have multiple degrees and still be less

We need to turn out disaffected working-class voters if we’re going to defeat Trump.”

Since when do “more affluent” people go for Warren? Aren’t they all having a nervous breakdown that she’s going to take away .000001% of their net worth for such follies as health care and disability access? And don’t she and Bernie pretty much agree on 95% of everything?

Security cameras are super inexpensive nowadays. You can buy them on Amazon, they connect via WiFi, you can monitor them from an app on your phone, they alert you when there’s sound or movement, you can make them do an alarm sound or a dog barking sound, etc. and they work at night, too (they have basic ‘night vision’

Severely not digging the tryptophobia eyes on that piece of artwork. 

The minimum salary for an NBA player is about 13 times what the current reigning WNBA MVP, Finals MVP and champion currently makes. Hell, Andrew Bogut got picked up off of the trash pile a month ago to play two months of basketball and will make about 8 times her salary. I get it, the WNBA is nowhere near the level of

Or, here’s another thing to consider: I, for example, share an apartment with two other people. Yes, we have a kitchen, fridge, and pantry. But it’s not big enough for 3 people to keep all their own stuff. Getting things pre-measured means I don’t have to throw out produce because it goes bad before I can eat it, or

My cousin and his wife use Blue Apron fairly frequently. Of course, he is an ER physician and she is a general surgeon (both in NYC), so the last thing they want to do with the little time that they have off of work and together is go grocery shopping.

Also, I’m pretty sure that Blue Apron costs less per person than