Bad Wolf

I don't think Ethan is more of a main character than Victor is, he's just introduced earlier.

I couldn't give a shit about Ethan for a long time so I didn't mind that, he's only grown on me recently.

It will be a surprise if the explanation is not "he is a werewolf, all his problems are werewolf stuff, we have been pretty obvious about it since like the second episode" but it's still weird that they take so long to explicitly say it

I loved Chandler (and Hartnett) this episode. This kind of thing is why I loved True Blood at one point. Seeing new episodes of the two shows shortly after each other makes one incredibly sorry for how that show expulsed almost all the charm and is really just 95% grossness at this point.

Maybe because most of season 6 was actually good and there was hope that the finale was a joke?

Well, that was horrible. Like, there were good parts, but everytime I started to get into it, they found a new stupid thing to pull out of their asses and the magic was lost.

I think I got to like her a bit more when they revealed that she stumbled into a position where she suddenly had a shitload of enablers who nurtured the worst aspects of her. Obviously, she was awful and willing to kill a person for almost no reason even before that, but still.

I don't even think Vee is as hateable as she is because she's cold and rational. That is an obvious part of it, but the main thing is the nature of what she's doing. NOT dealing drugs, but the way she uses people like Taystee, Suzanne or even R.J. - she ingrates herself into their lives to the point where she's more

I do understand that and I actually wanted a scene like that before seeing this finale, but it just did not work for me. After a while it started feeling less "finally we are united and have a moment of peace" and more "look at this cool trick we can do" and the effect was lost on me.

And you just know that this magazine actually exists in Orphan Black universe
and Rachel might or might not have started it

I wonder if Mark himself knows.

My first thought when it became clear that male clones are going to be involved was "it's going ot be Paul". And I was wrong. Who knows.

Well, we did get some time wtih him throughout the season and… I don't know? His role basically required him to be super stilted, maybe if they were planning to have him be a clone this whole time, they could give him some more show-offish material?

I liked this as a episode unto itself, but I am so not excited for the male clones next season. Like, that idea could be good in theory, but I just don't trust the actor to do this right and would prefer for the show to go smaller instead of blowing up even more.

It's still a decent enough album, but nothing except Over the Hills and No Quarter really stands out to me in a good way.

If I were to rank them, I'd put I (it's genre-bound, yes, but it puts a spin on the genre which I'm yet to hear improved upon or even replicated successfully) and Physical Grafitti first. II would be towards the bottom and Houses of the Holy last.

But Houses of the Holy is easily the worst album out of the first six, hope they're not building up to that

Yeah, what gets lost in the Alison/Helena debates is that Sarah is the best possible lead for a show to have.

I agree with your general assessment of old Opera as superior Opera. I use 21 now (which is generally a slightly better version of Chrome), but only because I'm too lazy to switch back to the old one. I still wonder if it would hurt them to give me back accessing sites in speed dial by just typing a number into the