Objectively Biased

Damning video evidence is the reason Ray Rice remains out of football.

One of my favorite sitcom moments of all time: when Martin and Gina get a hold of Tommy's wallet to see if he has a business card and finally settle if he has a job or not.

Eh, bring back Left Shark.

Gotta order a band from the Gigs-in-Cars app.

I mean, I already have Prime and actually quite love the Amazon Music app. I don't really see the incentive in this.

Andy: "We should go for a new format. Scandals & Animals."

I'm still waiting for the B99/Gotham crossover….

That moment when you walk into the comments with a lame ass joke, but someone beat you to it….and you're legitimately upset about that.

The modern day Peanuts

Member Big Macs?

100% Real Mac

I try to play Destiny often, because the mechanics and whatnot are pitch perfect, but it's just. so. fucking. boring.

Is it weird that I now want to read the thoughts of Young_Cookie_Monster?

Don't cryyyyyy, put your Medicare card on the table…….

"Based on a thing that happened fairly recently"

I still refuse to believe they actually made a movie about this.


I'm sure they were desperately trying to leave as little time as possible for the Rams, in case they scored.

I love how in that Bucs GIF, Pamphile is signaling First Down, also showing his complete unawareness of the clock….