Objectively Biased

This movie looks like Razzie bait.

Because she's perfection. <3

The move to a more centralized story has done wonders for this show. These two episodes have been absolutely on fire. Not an ounce of fat on them, just a lean, mean comedy machine.

Tammy lookin' incredible here.

Dina is like Earth-2 Ron Swanson or something.

I would definitely check it out. If you liked Parks and Rec this is within that same wavelength.

I gave this show a chance on Hulu recently and it's…….not terrible?

The iPhone 8 will be out around Christmas.

I mean, can you blame them, though? The Browns/Ravens thing is kind of confusing.

- Someone in 2002

It just sounds "progressive" and very "millenial-y".

I don't think I've ever heard someone describe themselves as having the comedic chops. That's just……weird.

Not really. I'm pretty sure the ratings for TNF are higher. And last night's game (while a shitshow) had way more interest going in than any MNF game I can think of in the last few years.

Hit it on the head, Teti. MNF is no longer a thing. It's just another game on the weekly schedule, sandwiched between SNF and TNF.

The best approach is pairing artists with similar styles. DC did this with Jesus Saiz and Javier Pina on a couple of books (most notably Swamp Thing). The transition issue to issue is seamless.

Everything Is The Same

Half-Assed Crooning and The Occasional Rap Verse


Jay, Em, Andre 3000, Talib, Kendrick, Black Thought, Common. Lotta options.

This PewPewPie person showed up on a Conan segment a while back and I was curious to see what the fuss was all about with this dude.