Objectively Biased

7) Why was Harley Quinn, a woman with no special powers or combat
training but a long history of mental illness, selected to be on the

Milk that cash cow. Milk it good!

The fact that the mission in this movie isn't even really all that Suicide Squad-y is incredible to me. The "Task Force X" episode is a pitch perfect example of a mission that would require something like the Suicide Squad. The government wants to infiltrate the Watchtower, but can't send its own agents.

I literally only clicked on this article for "Dire Dire Docks".

Good lord, Athens is half this list.

Hate The Drake's Dad

Are there any "normal universe" cartoons like this anymore? Nick had several shows like this (Hey Arnold, As Told By Ginger, Rocket Power) that were just about kids dealing with kid shit.

Shut up and eat your applesauce, gramps.


1996? 8-year-old me is too busy watching Michael Jordan games and wondering if he finished his homework for Ms. Elm's class.

Time has been very kind to Spider-Man 2. It was already seen as a good movie when it came out, but now with the onslaught of superhero flicks you go back and revisit it and you're like, "Holy shit. They actually told a story here! With characters! And what are these? Emotions? Am I feeling something???"

You crazy, Cersei. CRAAAAZYYYYY!

The…..Rrrrrrr Jrrrrr?


Um….people just want a movie that makes sense, with actual characters and a plot that isn't needlessly convoluted. I don't think that's asking too much.

Patty, blink twice if you're in danger.

I'd like to point out in Man of Steel Superman announces himself to the world and makes his first appearance not because he wants to help the world and bring hope to the masses, but because Zod forces him to.

Chapter 2: Raising Your Fantastic Beast

I couldn't imagine being a kid today and having access to all my favorite things all the time. There was a certain joy in waiting for things to air, the anticipation/excitement. But now? It's 24/7 stimulation.

I finally watched BvS about a week ago. It was honestly worse than I was expecting. What an incoherent, misguided mess of a movie.