Objectively Biased

My parents always tell me stories about growing up with 60s/70s television. And the thing that always sticks out to me is that because there were so few options, everybody pretty much watched the exact same shit. And thus, early television had the power to create a cultural consensus that's kind of hard to fathom.

When Peter threw that football at Marcia's nose, how on earth did they survive without WebMD?

Yeah, but this seems particularly doomy.

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The final scene of this movie basically begs and pleads with you to be excited about another one. Fuck Roland Emmerich, man.

The release date kinda confuses me, because the trailers made this feel more like a holiday film. Throwing it in the middle of a packed Summer slate is bizarre. Especially considering Disney already has several movies out.

Naw man. Jon got that +10 Plot Armor. The kind of Plot Armor you have to kill a bunch of raid bosses to earn.

I honestly don't think the internet will be able to handle Jon and Dany meeting.

Unless she and Varys share the same teleportation gene, I'mma say naw.

So by all accounts, the Boltons and Freys have been completely eradicated.

You could argue that two of the top three episodes of this series were delivered in the past two weeks. Crazy.

Between "Hardhome", "Battle of the Bastards", and this fucking episode, Miguel Sapochnik is officially one of the best things to ever happen to this show.

That, for me, was the only oddity in an otherwise incredible episode.

Makes you wonder: if the show was willing to excise Stoneheart completely, what purpose will she actually serve in the books?

So………that happened.

This season has been seriously hit or miss for me. Moreso than usual for AD. But that Criss Cross Applesauce episode was magical.

My two favorite things about this incredible album: the beat on "Bring It On" and that 2nd verse of "D'Evils":

The initial trailers for Zootopia made it seem like it was gonna be a cutesy fun talking animal movie. But man, this shit had a lot more going on than I was expecting. I genuinely loved it.

Threatening us with more sequels should put this movie on some sort of terror watch list.

I'm getting too old for this ship.