Objectively Biased

Tried to get through it, but I found the video essayists voice depressingly monotone.

….Did they, though?

Meh. Shit is weak. Here's a real verse:

A ton of people saw the Rogue One trailer and thought it was Episode VIII. So yes.

Slotting a prequel movie after releasing Episode VII and before releasing Episode VIII is going to confuse the hell out of a lot of people.

So…um….Korn or Joan Jett?

I swear these shows have just become a factory line of fan service at this point.

Marvel Comics
letting the movies drive the comics

One of my favorite Bendis ticks is when he spends two or three pages having the characters recap all the shit that just happened, as if we aren't aware that it just happened:

This entire DC enterprise is like that kid who brings home a shitty report card, then spends the next few days explaining to his parents how he's going to make up for it and really start hitting the books this semester.

Sad to think it's cancellation may have contributed to Robin's suicide.

I thought he was great on The Crazy Ones, another underappreciated show.


You wanna see me reacting to the new Tarzan trailer? Click here!

I could see it if you were saying this about "The Watchers on the Wall". But man, not this episode.

….And then Winter came.

I think ultimately this conflict wasn't about suspense. It was about catharsis. At this point in the story, that's what we needed.

You know an episode is an amazing when Dany and ALL THREE DRAGONS go fucking HAM on an entire army of ships……..and it kinda gets forgotten.

I think he's upset the good guys won? Shit was mad nitpicky.

Compared to the last two episodes (which was some of the worst TV I've seen in awhile)