Objectively Biased

No one is. The crown would have to legitimize it.

The show has lived off yinning when you thought it was gonna yang. At some point, shit has to yang.

That was emotionally draining. Sure, the end result was predictable as hell, but my god the execution was fucking masterful.

"There are no active vouchers for your account"

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Scream 2 behind both 3 and 4? Blasphemy!

He basically just accused him of doing what he's already been accused of doing.

I just finished my one year subscription to the New Yorker. And while I loved it, the shit was so overwhelmingly dense with good stuff, I literally never had the time to go through each issue. I'm sure there are a few sitting here that I haven't even opened.

Drop the Nap. Just….Ster.

- Ron Swanson

You had me at Stamos.

"When your white boyfriends penis falls out of his boxers a fun thing to call it is whitey bulger"

Mannnnnn please. "Return of the Mack" is 90s R&B perfection.

Eh. To be honest, I'd rather not have to watch the Blackfish get stabbed in the face by an anonymous Lannister/Frey soldier.

Jon is already chilling in the camp Stannis chilled at before he attacked Winterfell. Everything is pretty much in place.

I paid $15-20 for each. These were the big volumes that had 12 issues each.

I picked up the two heavy trades for Gotham Central at a con last year. Burned through those bitches in one weekend. It's so good.

Amazon Prime has the entire series (including The New Batman Adventures) as well as the entirety of the companion Superman: The Animated Series.

Alright. Time's up. Let's queue this.

Ho….Ho….Homing missile.
