Obi Won

I loved that picture, especially when you recognize that he is photographed in front of a mural and that you can see the props and carpet the fake grass is thrown over. He did so much for environmentalism, but that photo was designed to fool people and not taken in the wild. I can't recall the name of the book it

The feds are more our friends than the Koch brothers or ExxonMobil are. How well do you think they'd manage the land? And make no mistake, that is what this is about.

Fair point, but:

Yeah, that's a little obfuscation. Use capital letters: Parks, Forests, Refuges, Monuments, Wildernesses etc are all specific legal entities. And they're all protected and used in some way, shape or form. Regardless of the wording, this is about selling some of America's most beautiful resources to energy companies.

"The fundamental that the country belongs to the people, that it is in process of making for the enrichment of the lives of all of us, except for the Japs." — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Upsetting to see my two home Senators (Rubio and Nelson; R and D, respectively) vote for this, but I'm pretty sure it's to allow for commercial development on the Everglades (which has been a long-standing bone of contention amongst people in Florida's govt and the federal government, particularly the EPA) without

Let's not forget who the real heroes in this situation are. Alexander (R-TN), Ayotte (R-NH), Gardner R-CO). Fuck the party lines!

As someone who lives in one, I can tell you that the radical envirofacsists are who is to blame for the increase in wild fires. Zero-tolerance for logging is incredibly myopic and as it turns out quite deadly. These morons go so far as to blame forest thinning for the bark beetle infestations which is flat out wrong

Tiny slivers of already leased National Forest should be sold. I spent Christmas at a private campground on National Forest Land. That campground is paying a super cheap lease to the feds, and then using it as a private campground. Ski resorts do the same thing. They don't own the land they bulldoze, they just use

I usually roll my eyes at the Gawker "evil/stupid Republicans" headlines, but this one has some teeth. Sportsmen and fishermen (sorry about the gender bias, Jez: I meant "people who enjoy killing animals") are up in arms (pardon the pun) about this one. Example:…

"God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools."

So we need to get rid of cops and republicans... Any one else while we're at it?

The states want it back for free so they can sell it to Exxon.

It's specifically for mining, lumber, drilling, fracking etc that the Koch Brothers and ExxonMobil would like this land. They're not talking about installing mini golf courses.

I'd really like to reply but what does it matter? Even though I've been here since near the beginning I am still relegated to the land of gray.