
I remember playing those video games during the 90s with ninjas and watching all the shows and movies with them. Whenever a ninja would appear, I would lose my shit. I am talking "regular", black-clad ninjas here. But a different color? A green or blue ninja? A RED ONE? And here's a show where there us a whole army of

I mistook her for Rose McIver of "iZombie".

I don't doubt that he does, but at the same time he is either overacting the "role of the father" (the scene on the bed) or sometimes he is so preoccupied with his campaign that, when he and his wife are "using" them, it looks awful from their part. His wife even times their entrance and all.

I didn't give that much thought but it does point to something. A sign of respect? Requiring permission to look at her? Keeping things "professional", since they are now considered scheming partners with their marriage now only as a front?

I rather enjoy his voice and intonation. Nearly everything he says sounds as a commercial. I don't find him bland at all.

Many despicable things have happened in this show but nothing made me more sick than Conway dismissively sending his son away as soon as the livecast had ended. The Conways, at first, seem to treat their kids as accessories. I don't know how it looks in later episodes but their first depiction left a sour taste in my

The flashlight "X" and their interaction before that were very tasteful, IMO. As an old fan, I really liked it. And all that just before going into darkness, chasing a monster. Pure gold.

Maybe they will show the equivalent scene im the "Preacher" series.

For some reason, Theroux is considered by many to be the weakest actor of the show and his character the most boring to watch and I. Don't. Get. It!

And here I thought he was congratulating him on being "clean" and getting that audience with "Senator" Patty…

It's been a long time that I have seen such sexual tension on TV, watching Jill and Michael move around and take long looks at each other. I was sure that one of them will jump on the other, Lorrie-style.

Well, I was mostly exaggerating but, with the showrunners deviating from the books, who's to know. But still, a trip to Ol' Valyria wouldn't surprise me.

The last 15 minute felt like coming from another episode or even another series.

"And where’s Drogon going anyway?" If I were a betting man, I'd say the ruins of Valyria, where Dany will eventually convince the Stone Men to fight for her.

Fewer things spell "superhero" more than having the hero running and jumping on rooftops. It was great to watch, especially since it happens during the day and with the whole city as a background.

I could see a crazy series finale, where Gendry becomes the latest king of Westeros, him being Robert's (bastard) son. It helps that he is played by a very likeable actor but whenever he was on screen during the past seasons, I was hooked. He felt Very Important and I hope they have a plan for him.

You know what would really be the icing on the cake for me? If, when Fisk is admiring the view of the city, the Avengers Tower would be visible or even, dare I say, we saw a tiny glimmering speck, like, let's say, a man in an iron suit, flying over the city.

Not many Greek actresses with international appeal, I am afraid. They will probably go for some Mediterranean-looking actress (like Gal Gadot) but just for the looks, check Tonia Sotiropoulou. She has done some work outside Greece but she is far from what I believe Marvel and Netflix will cast.

I really love this show, but it took me over a month to get to this episode. I mean, not every viewer is a teenager who can binge watch entire seasons, without tending to other obligations. And what's so bad about taking my time with a show? I watched "Breaking Bad" after almost two years since the series finale and

I've found myself being very interested in the scenes between Wells and Eddie. I couldn't help but feel that something sinister was going on, I mean, why let Eddie know all this stuff about future lineage?