
I have been a big Jorah fan since the beginning, thus your post makes me happy.

That! And also Jon, talking to every single clan member in thst hall, witch commentary by Lady Lyanna.

It wouldn't look out of place in Banshee, which I loved.

God's also missing, maybe that's also what causes the glitch.

Is that staircase really that long?

When they said "I love you" to each other, it killed me. It felt so sincere.

The emphasis on his wide-opened eyes was fantastic. I could almost see shat was going through his head.

I keep looking at that shot of Matt against the ocean backdrop. Strangely beautiful. Ecclestone also manages to be both funny and formidable at the same time.

Funny how, the first thing Kevin Sr. says when he sees his son is "Jesus, here you are!" or something like that.

They drove before Kevin in the 9th episode of the first season, just
before the Departure, asking him "if he's ready". Very, very strange…

Those women on horseback were the same women that stopped before Kevin, in a car, in S01E09 and asked him "are you ready?", whereas Kevin just gave them a puzzled look. I remember thinking that this scene felt like something out of a Stephen King story. Glad to see that it wasn't left hanging.

"Are you travelling with an infant? "No". Are you SURE, Nora? Maybe it is already there with you. After all, she and Kevin had sex in the premiere.

"Follow me…". I really liked the nigh-Biblical imagery of bearded Kevin on a horse, leading the flock of pilgrims and believers into the holy land of Jarden.

Other disappointed members, laying down, numb. Possibly the origins of the Guilty Remnant?

In my head, Kevin's wish was for his family to be whole again and it was granted in the S1 finale, just not how Kevin had pictured it: He had Nora and Tommy and Jill and his ex-wife spoke again and there was a new baby there.

David Harbor! The sheriff of Hawkins, Indiana groomed the "sheriff" of Banshee, Pennsylvania!

By Ed Norton, you mean "Poor Man's Tom Hardy"…

That tracking shot was like something out of a movie and it felt more Star Wars-sy than usual. Loved it!

Ι love the vampiric church organ melody that accompanies Thrawn in almost every if his scenes. But he truly delivers great music, not just some sheet music that it's vaguely heard in the background.