
I have finally gotten over my “that didn’t happen in the comic” and am loving Dominic Cooper in Preacher.  

I’m pretty sure I know exactly who you really are. 

I also had the worst PMS when I was starting menopause.  In fact, one day I looked at my boss and said “I’m taking a personal day tomorrow, because I am feeling very, very stabby, and if one more person asks me a stupid question, we’re going to have to clean the carpet.”

I looked at the first picture and thought “WTF dude, your hand does not go there”  He knows perfectly well what he’s doing, which makes him a squeevy perv.  

I don’t care what genre it is, it was by far the better movie. 

SOW was just bad, really, really bad. 

but it’s ok to have back to back white people movies?

I found Dunkirk to be derivative.

I still don’t understand how Get Out didn’t win best picture.  It was clearly the best picture that year. 

I love that show, it’s hilarious. 

She needs to spend some serious prison time.  What a horrible human being.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the University tried as hard to help these two young men who were falsely accused as they do trying to defend young white men who are actual rapists.  

I was thinking, yikes! when I saw them.  I’m not sure why eyebrows have to be so extreme.  Rihanna is gorgeous, but I find those eyebrows hella distracting. 

I adore Mrs. Reynolds, and wish she would show up at my door. preferably with Captain Reynolds. 

I hope this lady wins her lawsuit, and some lovely compensation. The only possible explanation for thinking that an elderly black women went to the time, trouble and fucking expense to forge both an ID and a passport in order to cash a $140 check, is that you’re a racist. And a really stupid one.

Your post should be required reading for white people.

Pulling guns on unarmed children should get you instantly fired without a pension.  The more conversations I try to have with other white people about white people calling the cops on black people, the more discouraged I get.  I can’t even begin to imagine how black people must feel.  At least I can be almost certain

I wonder who he calls when it rains?  

And here I thought I couldn’t possibly be more embarrassed by my this administration. 

This should be one of those unanimous yes vote laws.  How on earth could you possibly justify not voting for this bill?

I misspell my name all the time, and it’s much easier than Kardashian.