
There was a guy dressed like a banana advertising for Jamba Juice and when I asked him how he was doing he told me "My life sucks man" but $10 an hour for a high school kid is good money I guess. When I was in high school I worked at Winn-Dixie bagging groceries for $4.50 an hour.... oh and the manager hated my guts

Hey what about the trick where the 50 clowns jump out of a small go kart?? hu? explain that one... and what about the one where bugs bunny dives into a glass of water?

@Monty: My best friend got a fajita kit last Christmas... seriously who gives a fajita gift???

@franco1975 [Troll ]: I think you can use "pets" like as in "petting the dog" or "heavy petting" not that those two words should ever be used when speaking of pets.

And soon "The World's First Car Engine-Powered Skateboard death"

I thought this guy might have taken a dump there.

Mario Kart for the SNES and for the Game cube are the best!!!

It's still chess.

Area 51 is a decoy..... we outsourced all our top secret bases to Mexico and Guatemala.

I could grow to like this.... as long as the battery lasted more than 2 minutes cause my walmart mountain bike is heavy as it is, I can't even imagine how hard this would be to pedal up the street back to my house.

C'mon man give me the macbook!!! even if it didn't work I could trade it on craig's list for something cool, like an animatronic chimp head.

If they put them out for sale I would definitely get one... this would make being stuck in traffic easier... heck I would wear it everywhere... even to bed... with my wife.

@Joe Geronimo: ha ha ha ha!!!! I forget about that...... what about the super awesome american idol ford commercials??

They can learn a lot from the Harry Truman show and do advertising in their programming.... good guy shoots 50 guys with a shiny gun, camera zooms in for a brief second and the subliminal message "buy S&W" flashes for a nanosecond... once the movie is over I walk over to my local pawnshop and buy a gun.

Pudding....*in a Bill Cosby voice*

I will forgive Lucas when he gives me back all the time I've wasted hating Jar Jar and the young Anakin on episode one.

@JonThomasDesigns: I am grinding my teeth as I think about stupid Jar Jar.... oh and that swinging scene... goose frava..... goose frava.... nevermind I'm gonna go pick a fight.

@Spinnyd:Ha ha ha.... good one!!! I bet the LX model also comes with the brush aluminum rims

Hey Quentin, remember that time when you made that movie without CGI that grossed over a billion dollars? On a more serious note, I think that as long as people are entertained I do not think they would care whether or not the movie has CGI or not.

@Synthfilker: ha ha ha!! I didn't think about that.... either that or he has a cart attached to his suit with the two guys shoveling coal into the pit.