
So could the companies that sell dictionaries get a patent for all the words and..and...and... sigh... sorry everyone I still haven't had anything to eat.

If it's steam powered why does it need the arc reactor?

I thought the F18 had tinted windows.

Good ol NES.... I remember renting games then they didn't work so you took them out and blew on them... then that didn't work either so you took them out, put your t-shirt over it and blew on it... nope that didn't work either so you wedged another game in the slot... nope that didn't work either so you slap your NES

wow.... I do not think I would be comfortable using this in public.

This door makes me think of a tortilla maker.

Does this look like a body bag to anyone else?

@jpaugh: I was thinking about the same thing... "Why should I change my name he's the one who sucks"

My favorite part is when they appear wearing a gorilla mask???ha ha ha ha ha!!!

I got a cheaper solution... go detain the suspicious looking guy with the missile launcher... there you go I saved millions of dollars.

You can select from the following Explosion settings:

@pvliii: Yea I would still love to buy one but I am married now so trying to talk my wife into getting one will be a challenge

Back in my bachelor days I almost..... almost bought a DeLorean that I saw on Craig's list.. I went and looked at it, sat on it even cranked it.... the guy wanted 13K for it but the transmission needed to be replaced... a good friend of mine and my brother talked me out of it... I still want one though..... So the

Because nothing makes an acrophibic's flight more comfortable than a see through floor on a plane

I can see using a knockoff iPod... even an knockoff purse or sunglasses... but a knockoff jet fighter?? I wouldn't trust it more than I can trust myself throwing a ten ton bannana... You pull the trigger to deploy missles and two old rubber tires shoot out... then when you get hit and have to eject and anvil comes out

*draws flux capacitor and submits it for a patent*

When the balls stop rolling giant metal hamsters come out and devour the trees.

So you put the quarter where??

Pick me!!!! Pick me!!!!

Isn't Argon some sort of midget on Lord of the Apes?? or something like that?