
The cost of games to make still doesn’t justify glorified gambling. I don’t buy that argument I’m afraid Jason,

This is just lazy writing at it’s finest. What is it with sites that use Kinja like Gizmodo and Kotaku? It draws the worst possible types of human beings from what I’ve seen.

Please Capcom stop making fans angry! I want a Dragons Dogma 2 at least before you guys go bankrupt because you aren’t doing what the fans want...

The thing about AAA games imo these days is that they are either all buggy or uncompleted at release. So essentially you pay for a still in-development game that just has a bigger budget.

I guess it’s Square’s version of a “Hard mode”

“30-40 minutes”

Too bad the new interface is pretty shit... At least for me it is. It just feels so convoluted and messy.

I haven’t been unsubbed from any of my fav YouTubers (none that I know of at least) but I do have the problem where my subscribed channels’ videos don’t show up in my subscriptions tab. . . isn’t that what the subscription tab is for?

The hell?? DAMNIT NAMCO!

Uh, have you seen the “DLC” that was released for Fallout 4? 3 of those were glorified mods that just added more stuff to the in-game builder. Hardly any effort at all compared to previous DLC that actually had new maps, weapons, quest etc etc. I’d say the Fallout 4 DLC constitutes doing the least amount of effort.

People complaining that they don’t wanna play the game anymore because of free updates, lol why? The game is hecka fun, I’m having a great time! I’m gonna finish the game at least 2 times , then after all the DLC is released (free or otherwise) I’m gonna play this game again and beat it again another 2 times.

Interesting group of people working together on a project here, this reminds me of a joke!

You’re not missing out on much when it comes to FEAR 3's multiplayer xD

Maybe next we can get a performance patch for Bully.

Hahahah “finger work” :P

Ah finally, the price it should’ve released with in the first place!

Ah finally, the price it should’ve released with in the first place!

Really?? Some people got mad? At the subject line?

South Africa? Eyyy I live there, running away from lions is the closest to a real life monster hunter you gonna get xD

Japan has all the life-hacks yo.

The very first ES game that I played was Oblivion round about when I was in the 8th or 9th grade, the game was already out for a couple of years at that time and I remember how everyone praised the game but I didn’t have the money to buy it so I just faded.