
Remastered versions! Now with less content than the original!

It really sounds like your complaints are mostly to do with the genre and type of game that FFXIV is. It is an MMO with an (admittedly quite slow) MMO combat system that doesn’t reinvent or innovate, but is extremely tight and functional. It is also a JRPG, and in typical JRPG fashion it has endless fetch quests and

Did they ever address the bug where sometimes Gym would turn yellow?

So what I’m really hearing right here is, for the love of God, don’t open any loot boxes until the new update is fully out there.

They should go back to the good old days of ebay when people mailed money orders.

It probably was for single player DLC, but when they saw the cash cow that is GTA:O they probably scrapped any single player DLC plans and focused only on MP.

Hey man, I don’t go around crushing your dreams!

In order to uncover the secret, you have to buy 100 Megaladon Shark Cards and uninstall the game.

Unless they start selling Shark Cards for single player, I wouldn’t dare to dream about any single player DLC.

My first nemesis had the “Weakness to Headshots” trait. Whenever he showed up it was just a quick arrow to the head and he’d go down.

Really want to play Xcom2 again. But everytime I think back about how often I miss a 99% or even 100% (although the 100% shot happened only once)shot, I just get frustrated before I even start and put it off.


For Red Dead 2 I’m waiting mostly for the singleplayer reviews, because Redemption’s SP is absolutely amazing, and it’s not like GTAV’s was bad. I have some faith that R* won’t ruin the SP for the sake of the MP cash grab.

Yeah, I was pretty hyped thinking this update might finally add some fun stuff to the game to do, but its basically the exact same as having one of those worthless businesses, except you also have to research shit too. Go do a mission or two to get supplies, and then wait for hours for a bar to fill up. Some of the

Still waiting on a singleplayer expansion or at least the ability to play “online” in an offline mode. Not holding my breath, mind you...

I played it in a private room with press and influencers so my current assessment can best be summed up with: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Man, this is getting old.
Are we going to keep making these lame jokes?
The movie wasn’t that bad.
Have you seen the extended edition?
All you Marvel fanboys shut up.

He’s even better if you know the way to make Batman give up fighting you....