
Honestly I don’t know why anyone WOULDN’T be looking for a 4K tv.

I still remember playing Oblivion in HD for the first time and realized the loading screens continued the image, they were REALLY blurry on my old SDTV. 4K as you said looks nice but NOTHING like that jump up.

I think 4K is the wrong thing for all these consoles to focus on. It’s pretty, and can be used to great effect at close viewing distances, but meh. Put that grunt towards 60FPS, or better effects, or more [things] on screen, or more complex gameplay calculations, etc.

This is the same reason I’d get one. My 1080p TV is getting a bit old (it was an early 1080p, so it’s now about 11 years old), so there’s a chance I’ll upgrade in the next year or two, but I just don’t see an overwhelming reason to do so right now. Besides, every year I wait is another year of cheaper, prettier TVs

I only bought one because my old TV died. 4K netflix is nice, I guess.

Nope. I’m still on 1080p, both with my TV and my PC monitor. I’m really not fussed about 4K, to be honest—I find the colour saturation/dynamic range offered by HDR much more compelling than the extra pixels.

The captions make it weird, they should all have just said “BWAAAAAAAAAH!!!!”

I would not say 65 million players is not a bad number. No one expected the 750 million to hold up.

Only well after the majority of its playerbase lost interest. They really dropped the ball in keeping the games momentum going.

All the stars will belong to you. Too bad we are collecting moons now.

You’re clearly someone who doesn’t mind doing the same thing over and over and over again. You also seem to be someone who has the opportunity to play every single day and only play GTA. Guess what. People play different games and don’t spend hours doing the same dumb heist 3 times in a row. It’s GTA ffs. I want to do

But will she finally be rescued? Rescued from loneliness by a Princess?

“I have fun grinding for hours, so other people should have fun grinding for hours too. Otherwise, they are just lazy.”

But buying shark cards is totally fine. Sure dude. The entire soul of GTA is completely gone in online play thanks to that endless grind + pay with real money for in-game currency strategy. May all these normie contributors to systems like these be eradicated from this world.

As disappointing as it must be to be subjected to such instability, I’m oddly filled with hope about how complete strangers can come together to peacefully agree to form lines and do things without trying to kill each other. Surely a win for our Eorzean society!

Great news. Now hopefully they ditch the episodic model they used for the last Hitman game. I wasn’t a fan of that. I also hope they can keep being independent for a while. I’d hate to see them collared to another publisher after how they were treated by Square.

No. Doesn’t matter. This is abuse of copyright, and a cop-out. This is happening because getting a lawyer to send a scary, but unenforceable, C&D is cheaper than hardening the online service against bad behavior.

You should give GTA owners an option to play offline only, I never play online, I just want to be able to mod in the single-player and be left alone.

Rockstar’s response to the most loyal fans asking why:

Bethesda: “Man we really screwed up. We seriously pissed off our modding community. I cant think of what we could have done worse”