
Exactly. I don’t want to say “This is some wipeepo shit”, but i’ve noticed that I can have frank, uncomfortable conversations with shit I do with a lot of my friends, but if they were raised a certain way, or come from a certain place in their lives, they do not want to be called out at all, and it baffles me.

There’s a difference between a friend and an enabler. The people jumping down Jack’s throat are probably too young to understand.

Any time is a good time to say “fuck Sargon”. But mainly because he’s convinced that Pewdiepie did nothing wrong and shouldn’t have to apologize for his recklessness. Also, Sargon is currently tying himself in knots defending Milo, so fuck that guy.

The sad part is that while I agree there are a number of people who you are describing accurately I think the vast majority are just being malicious for the sake of being malicious. They don’t actually care what Jack had to say but if they can f**k with someone then they will especially after someone else gets the

1. Technically didn’t Markiplier get Jack popular?

2. What Jack said was perfect. Pewdiepie crossed a line and got what he deserved, Disney can’t have someone making those jokes because they are a family brand.

3. Alot of the people attacking various YTs who talked about Pewds are the minority of rabid idiot Pewds

I’ve made my feelings on Pewd’s earlier jokes (the bits that got him into hot water, anyhow) abundantly clear, so I’ll leave that alone for now.

What I will say about this current kerfuffle is this: If you truly believe that your friends have to back you, 100% of the time, irrespective of whether you happen to be right

JackScepticEye bullied into supporting PewDiePie. Good grief.

Pewds isn’t a bad person, but did do something wrong - didn’t work on his bit. YouTube enablers are babies. JackSepticEye and Casey Neistat are adults. Time to grow up, YouTube.

Fuck Sargon.

Keemstar, who encourages people to post extremely racist things and tries to ruin innocent people’s lives by accusing them of being paedophiles? Yeah, how is he not banned from YouTube entirely at this point?

Nothing makes me realize that I am old like trying to understand these communities. I enjoy a lot of YouTube creators and understand the appeal of some content. But then I check the comments sections and communities, and I am forced to accept that I will never relate or understand.

TL;DR people are outraged over other people’s lack of outrage?

Rocket League, I believe. And their netcode is really, really good. If an indie like Rocket League can pull it off, Ubisoft has no excuse.

Because, money. Ubisoft prints it.

At this point I generally hope that game developers screw with their fans a bit, drop hints for one thing and release another to surprise them.

So by special person, you mean a coder? Because all these people seem to be doing is to see how fast they can get a trigger to execute.

Years ago I was playing the MMO FPS “Planetside” and I created a new toon to play on a different faction. Using this toon I was getting tons of unusual attention from opposing players. They were going out of their way to fight me and were inordinately pleased when they killed me (I was just an average player).

The cheating is so obvious, I wonder how much money these douche bags spend on rebuying accounts when they get banned?

Ding ding. Looks like our initial shot of out the “I’m offended” cannon has deflected right off of the “Research and Logic” shield.

Not quite. Other users do not see the words you type when the profanity filter catches them.

I also would like to know where the fine penguin bitches are at.