The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

I really wish there was some sort of sports and politics combo to discuss this madness further! Or one take on it on the sports page, and another on the politics page!

You forgot Sean Doolittle, who is the very best of the Nationals. Doo is the best. He had the guts to state publicly why he wasn’t going. And he and his wife walk the walk and talk the talk in community activism. They hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Syrian refugees and got the community involved, when he was with

Shout out to the dumbasses in charge who haven’t figured out how to turn the comments off on the subblogs yet. You brain geniuses show your asses at every possible opportunity and we’re all better for it.

Absolutely. I always refer back to the Will Smith version of “I Am Legend.” The first half and second half are two different horror movies (same with Insidious 1, for similar reasons.) In the first half, the things that Will and Dog avoid are rarely seen. We know they move fast, are only active at night and are

My previous comment is outdated. Since I wrote it, apparently others have left. The most recent post at Deadspin (as of this comment) was 1:29 p.m. (EDT?) yesterday.

From the Daily News: “Deadspin writers and editors Tom Ley, Drew Magary, Dan McQuade, Kelsey McKinney, Dom Cosentino, Giri Nathan, Luis Paez-Pumar, Albert Burneko, Billy Haisley, Patrick Redford, Lauren Theisen, Chris Thompson, and Laura Wagner all resigned Wednesday and Thursday in the wake of a series of missteps by

Rugby league players for their thighs (their faces suffer somewhat due to the nature of the game)

Jezspin forever

seriously. also, the whole “I usually do my makeup in the rearview and drive too fast on my way to work, BUT I SWEAR I WASN’T DOING IT THAT DAY!!!”

Not to mention, SHE CLAIMED TO HAVE WORN THRIFT SHOP CLOTHES WITHOUT WASHING THEM FIRST!! That was the truly terrifying part of that story. Any true thrift shopper knows you wash that shit first!

Lol it’s just a shitty story. It’s badly written, not entertaining, extremely fake sounding, and overall just garbage. I’m sure all the stories are fake except the one with the station wagon! But the ouija board one is worse than fake--it’s bad.

OK lady who wrote this story. I don’t dislike this story because of the religious overtones, because there have been plenty with them over the years. I dislike it because it’s a hamfisted attempt to shoehorn in an evangelical message where it isn’t needed or wanted, and it is done so poorly and in such a cliche way,

that one was so bad that she stopped telling one story half way and ended it with another.

if she hasnt aged in 30 years...

Doesn’t that make it worse though? I wanted the explanation “a long time ago this happened to my wife and then our dog died/our baby died/I lost 300lbs until I baked a magic pie” but the lack of an explanation on the neighbour’s part just makes it more eerie. And whatever the reason was, it was good enough to convince

It’s like some sort of hilariously bad Penthouse letter, but for Jeebus! “I never thought this would happen to me...”

I suspect if that had been posted, it would have been eviscerated by the commentariat as fake.

Preeeeeach. You can always tell. Oh DID he confess to the murder in front of a stranger and the girl’s close relative? Cool. Totally plausible.

“So this guy sees my petite frame and stunning fit and confesses to a murder. What a haul! And on top of that I got a free sandwich. Welp back to etsy’n hum de dum de dum de dum.”

That isn’t the point of being scared of ghosts.