
He’s the best friend New York Republicans have had since Pataki. They love him and via the IDC he kept them in power long after they lost the majority. They are not the ones going after him.

Nobody is focusing on the fact that Chris Coons, Biden’s Senate bestie, voted against it too. It’s almost like he wasn’t pushed.

That’s nice. Look at her tweets from yesterday now.

Both Senators from Delaware voted against it too. Coons in particular is very tight with Biden. If Biden really wanted it, you think he may have been able to get that one.

So you only enjoy movies that depict experiences that you can get your head around? Is there a genre that’s particularly attractive to the Jezebel reader who has frequently been told “I’m sorry, that’s the mildest salsa we have?”

Crediting the opinions of people who don’t want to see it happen/don’t need it doesn’t make it so. 

She’s interpreting a norm. Others see it differently. It’s not black letter law and can’t be appealed in court. Some eminent parliamentarians see it differently, but regardless, it’s merely opinion from an office that has been overruled in the past.

Her ruling can be ignored. They don’t need to fire her. Using it as cover is disingenuous.

It’s not for you to decide. You aren’t the person who was hurt.

This. Forgiveness needs to come from the victims, not the general public. The public rehabilitation of George W. Bush for instance, needed to come from the people of Iraq and the friends and relatives of the one million dead instead of manufactured consent engineered by cuddling Michelle Obama and pal-ing around with

Better things aren’t possible. The Democrats

The recent fandom has always been ignorant of his conservative history - partnering with Republicans in his state legislature to deny power to progressives. Let’s get Zephyr Teachout or Cynthia Nixon in there ASAP.

To be fair, Samantha Bee has horrible politics, especially as pertains to New York (she’s kind of a segregationist.)

Absolute perfection. I stood up and cheered in the theater. Still my favorite musical moment in film.

Chuck has said there were a lot of things that the movie revealed better than his book.

The commentary is worth it. HBC reveals that she came up with the line “I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.”

We need another corporate millionaire on the court.

Counteracting the radically conservative pro-corporate majority by nominating someone who agrees with them on every non-social issue is a great idea. Let them eat cake.

It’s a Fred Hampton quote and it’s still correct. Members of Congress tend to use it and leave the capitalism part out:

The people who had to work for her in Pigeon Forge would disagree with the “lately” part. It’s become fashionable to laud her as part of a resistance but she’s known down there for being anti-labor and not nearly so woke as the brunch crowd is portraying her.

You mean the Maxine Waters who just shut down Jezebel fave Katie Porter for being too progressive?