
By doing that you let the Bill Kristols, Jennifer Rubins and Ana Navarros of the world become embedded in your party as the voice of reason thus reinforcing Biden’s innate conservatism and preventing progressive action.


The DOJ prisons thing is fairly meaningless. End contracts with private prisons from DHS/ICE and we can talk.

This is the important part. Citations Needed just did a podcast on this. Forgiveness needs to come from the injured party. Michelle Obama conferring grace on GWB is meaningless when there are a million dead whose people feel otherwise.

I look forward to having to explain to “pragmatic progressives” why feeding and housing people is more important than Biden’s austerity plans.

The problem with means testing it is that without support from people with actual political power, things don’t happen or are easily taken away. See: Bill Clinton’s completion of the Reagan revolution via welfare reform. Universal programs are the only way to guarantee elite support.

Notice that this doesn’t say $1,400+$600=$2,000. Yes, we can do math too before you “well, actually...” Biden campaigned for both the GA candidates straight up sayin $2k without that qualification.

She declined to prosecute Mnuchin when she was AG and renounced most of the policy positions she held in early 2020 to accept the VP slot. She is gumptionless.

TFW a kid has read Angela Davis and you haven’t.

Very disappointed in the lack of #girlboss defenders so far.

Her district is still borderline red and Newsom won’t appoint a progressive to Harris or (hopefully DiFi’s seat when it comes open.) 

Rodent Reagan

How high are the chances that you believe women unless the person they are speaking about is one of your faves?

The poll doesn’t reflect the views of the donors/the Center for American Progress. It’s invalid as pertains to the Biden administration.

After the California Democratic Party endorsed her opponent in 2018, Obama stepped in to make his only Senate endorsement of 2018 for guess who?

After CA Dems endorsed Kevin, Obama only endorsed in one Senate race in 2018. Thanks Obama

Why does Jezebel hate girl bosses so much?

There’s a reason this has zero stars.

Yes. That’s is who was at all the protests. I can tell you were there.

“we” lefties? I’m not sure of your politics but the Rs never have to explain “defund Planned Parenthood.”