
Such a silly resistance fantasy. You’ll forget, just like you’ve already forgotten Bush because Michelle shared Chiclets with him and while Biden appoints the proponents of his wars to his cabinet. You’re toothless.

You won’t. There are graves of literal segregationists (including the one Biden eulogized) and slave owners available right now. How’s your bladder?

Years. This was foreseeable and you’ve elevated the person who could have prevented it to sainthood.

The issues of police defunding, reparations and other issues like this have been studied conclusively. Biden bringing on consultants to form task forces is just a way to signal while not acting. This podcast is good:

That 108 people liked this is evidence that this is the stupidest lib comment section on the internet.

Take up space that could be used by people who write for a living and need the money. Thanks for asking.

Citations for that please. What I saw was that candidates in swing states who supported M4A all won.

If you look at the commercials that ran against Spanberger and Shalala, they were about Pelosi, tho.


Let’s not blame the party who saw what the youth wanted and delivered this ticket instead. It’s much easier to blame a nebulous powerless demographic.

The evidence (scholarly works) shows that these kind of ads don’t work. The evidence also shows that they are mostly running ads in safe blue states. It’s an employment project for ex-Bush Republicans that appeals to libs who are already voting Biden.

Xer libs thought she was funny, the kids are Marxists.

How democratic.

lol fuck you Karen. Maybe Hillary deserves a little blame. She did lose to a fucking game show host.

She’s “a capitalist to her bones” remember? Nobody was afraid of her and nobody voted for her except the white professional managerial class. Her campaign had no background in grass roots organizing and reached no one and engendered no trust in the working class. She walked back almost everything progressive she said.

lol class warfare, just in time Liz. Thanks for nothing.

Thanks Obama

Tim Kaine voted to confirm her to the Seventh Circuit #Resist