
Who says any of the leads in the show are sane? Granted there is a bit of a spectrum here. If I had to rate them from “Eccentric to Batshit Cray Cray” It would be:

The main reasons these days are pretty selfish. Black cats don’t photograph well on the fly with a phone. Its a crying shame. 

In Nirvana, Grohl suffered from the same problem George Harrison had with the Beatles. He had all those songs in him, but was largely pushed aside by the lead(s)

Animal lovers always get props. Which is why even Dr. Evil/Ernst Blofeld are clearly more decent people than some other recent famous people of note. 

Plus Reznor has normal person cred with Johnny Cash covering his work and prior collaborations with David Bowie.

Somehow I am picturing the psych professor curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth, muttering repeatedly “tenure isn’t worth this

Its the problem every show depicting teenagers has after season 3-4. Going back as far as Happy Days. The producers want to keep a show going but the genre has a limited natural shelf life.  

So his role as “The Butcher” in Fargo Season 2 was an exception?

On a side note, I think Topher Grace has the same issue. Pretty much all of his film outings have him as a “banality of evil” type. (Spider Man 3, American Ultra, The Black KKKlansman, Predators, That 70's Show...)

Trying to play a victim after such a hamhanded post is just being silly. I will put it to you this way. any one who feels the need to declare what political beliefs before giving an argument is usually a liar who is giving the opposite.

But the AVClub has a very, very, very bad track record of inflating ratings based on projects that are aimed toward racial justice.”

Also for being a sitcom which handled philosophical issues with jokes about penis flattening and memory erasure.

The only show which really was designed with a long multiseason plan from the ground up was Babylon 5. Even then, they had to make periodic adjustments and writing “trap doors” to account for the changes in casting. 

I can’t imagine the taste being all that great in comparison to the cooked version. Pork fat, when cooked and rendered down a little, is phenomenal. Raw just misses that. 

I’m picturing a series finale where either he finally becomes a vampire or kills off the cast except for Colin Robinson (because even he doesn’t know what his deal is or if he can be killed like the rest of them). 

You need to know how to set it up for your partner, how to listen ... There’s structure to to it. “

Herzog is such a good sport and self-aware of the image he projects, its tough to imagine him turning down such a request. The guy has a near Michael Caine level inability to refuse a paycheck. 

All I remember from that film is where Jacqueline Bisset separates an egg yolk with her bare hands on TV and the crew are going “yuck!”