Oatmeal Dinsdale

Yeah, its that unknown factor.. do you want to pay at april when you find out you’re short on fund or would you rather get it back... unfortunately I over withheld and still get ding,  ancillary income 

yeah they call that the scorch earth method.. had a lot of side effects

if thats the way i go super saiyan blue

BP did not work, did not want to get hook on proactive (got free samples from friends that work there, the original formula didnt work either), hear they recently updated formula. Im on differin now, cheaper than the prescription retin-a types yet works great so far.. My skin is also very oily that I’m able to take

HD is such a poop hole to work for...   i hope everyone gets out

I guess I just dont under magik cards... I saw them growing up.. didn’t realize adults still play with kids game

Read all the horrible home depot stories over at splinter, yes its an horrible place to work and corporate doesn’t care about jack. Even lowes offer employee discount.. home depot doesn’t care and that guy should go work for lowes if there is one near him.. we should rally Lowes to offer him a job

i watched it many times.. love it..  i thought there was going to be sequel.. looks expensive to make

im reading those now... :)  

save energy for main fight ?


how about just ride a megalodon


I watch boat load of porn, going to work, in the office, going home, at home.. i give a rats ass who knows it...  gl

really dont know what else to say......

get the 4k ultra bluray!


I watched that scene on youtube all last week over and over.. can’t wait for the bluray

hate to be the receiving end of that... not it

I dont really care about his brand or hate him or anything telsa.. but it looks like he’s the only rich dude there to offer help and i dont see any other billionaire sending help there.. even if it wasn’t used, he’s still a good enough guy to try.   I see him trying to help the world a lot, power issue in PR and other