Oatmeal Dinsdale

I just bought a 15.4" quad core xeon laptop... the 12.5s r too small for multiple windows, etc.. coming from xps 13 gen 2, x230, e7240, thinkpad yoga.. all 12-13" laptops

Is there a fuller version of this

HOLY COW, i never seen that before.. dammmmm

I accidentally like crap when scrolling because my phone is slow.. can I sue samsung and apple now ? cuz its their fving software that cause this problem of accidental clicking on crap while trying to scroll.. lol

We had this issue with our bus in downtown stamford ct.. though its not as bad but the bus takes alternative route every time... hoping they dont get hijacked..

I heard the janitors are looking for new job

Leaving for several months ? you just got there...

I like and play halo, even today, planning for halo party, but not to extend of these guys... total dedication

So he was conned by a chinese sales guy... hmmm, yeah red flags there

lol.. we can see their land, cow, they have extensive underground tunnels between both side of route 22.. they own nearly all that land

I work at liberty paintball right across the watch towers at patterson... good thing we’re up the hill

holy cow i’m so in.. i had the fake one where you replaced the cover off the other nokia models to make it look like it slides

long over due...

my pops had this and finally had surgery after 5 years of avoiding it.. 5cm, doctor says 90% of kidney was stone.. both sides... took so long...

like what... after every shooting, everyone goes to debate and nothing gets done and everything gets forgotten and reboot, another shooting. lobbyist wont care till it affects them personally, someone else will continue to lobby on behalf of the gun industry/nra/etc. so lets check back in 100 years 

Will apple be making coasters for the homepod ? sounds like theres a market for it now

I love my bunnies

I have those comic.. still bagged and mint.. too bad they arent worth that much

I love the blade series film.. i think the third one tanked though... I see it all the time playing on TNT/TBS. I would watch another blade movie if snipes is in it or not.