
As I told my friend Andreas, if there’s anything I learned from this, it’s that I need a Starion.

This is wonderful and I know have the unexplainable desire to go find a Mitsu Starion .

Where do you buy your weed?

Bernie has finally revealed his true form.

Looks like she has been doing Tesla.

you guys are fuckin awesome for posting. Thank you so much!

Patrick, I just wanted to say thank you so much for writing this article and sharing it on Jalopnik. Tj was a friend of mine and it's absolutely awesome to see the car community helping someone they never met just because they share the same passion. I truly am greateful for your help and for everyone that is helping

I can't believe what I'm reading.. Honestly.... Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Akron Ohio.. Wednesday services.. Friday is the internment.. We are hoping for some cars for that

Thomas was a close friend. Great guy never had anything bad to say about anyone. He loved all car makes and models. It's amazing how fragile life is. R.I.P. buddy

Thanks km guys. This means a lot to us right now.

Thanks km guys. This means a lot to us right now.

Thanks a lot guys. This means a lot to us right now.

Yes. Do this. I am.