
Unoriginal, but boy is it true.

Ooooh, Kung Fury. Hopefully we’ll see it soon.

Seem weird that Japan would censor this. Don’t they have more weirder and violence stuff, compare to Chappie?

Check out /r/futuresynth on Reddit.

Then you might like a lot of the music that I have on my Spotify Playlist.

i like the use of blood dragons music in “just drive” i have that to play for when im driving far out of town to sites. good for the mood of driving with retards on the road

What the hell did I just watch.

I swear, there is some strange relationship between PC players and Console players that is reminiscent of the sibling-like bickering between console fanboys.

No you’re supposed to say “Darude - Sandstorm”

I ended up playing the whole thing nonviolently the first time. Took a lot of time. I need to replay it, good thing it came out on PS+ recently. It looks like this guy is playing the DLC content, because I don’t recognize some of those powers and items.

Sorry, but my Nostalgia tells me that this game was already made years ago...

Sounds like The Citadel from Mass Effect meets Shodan from System Shock.

Press X.

Is it sad that I expected the article to turn out be about an angry CS player finds another player and cuts his throat?

Yeah, that looks pretty alright. But I'm pretty sure my PC is dying just from showing the trailer. No way it can run that.

Oh, great, even Kotaku is falling for Angry Joe’s bullshit. This is an attempt to get hits, stop falling for it. Joe does not cover Nintendo titles, he never has and he never will. A while back he uploaded raw Mario Kart footage and it got flagged because he tried to monetize it, now he uploaded footage of Mario Party

de_rats always and forever.

The Jackie Chan School For Kids Who Can’t Translate Good

First thought;