
Not sure why so many people mad about this but not sure why. In the end the law is the law. You can’t sell anything you want without a permit. That goes for water or even lemonade stands. You can turn this into a racist thing all you want, but thats just showing your ignorance. Now grated “maybe” she called the police

WOW! My mind is blown, I didn’t see the headline and thought it was a HD screenshot from the game.

Exactly. Poor LGBT cry so much because they need to feel special, mental illness is not easy to deal with. 

I don’t see you defending your point of view of assumption and being a millennial snowflake. You’re not just a terrible person, your a sad pathetic one. :D Also I love banana pie if you want to make me one! Make sure it has not nuts on it though, I’m allergic to nuts. Probably why I sneeze when I read your posts. ^_^

Wait are you talking to yourself or me? Sounds like your talking to yourself. ^_^ What a sad bigot defense to use that someone uses a bigot defense. :D

Takes a bigot to know a bigot.

What point is that? That “U mad bro?”

The hell indeed. Its a place bound for LGBT. 

See you proved my point. LGBT always twisting things and being extreme. Whoever said anything about disagreeing about “their existence”? And yes its the same as drinking or hunting. I can disagree with someone about something and still be friendly. I have “LGBT” friends and even family. They know I disagree with their

I retitled it for you:
“Mentally ill people share advice on coming out as mentally ill.”

You know who kills the most intersex people? LGBT. LGBT have a big hate for intersex people because they can choose whichever gender they want to. Maybe you should explain that before looking for a pity party. 

Thanks for proving my point lol. ^_^

I love Sony fans, they still forget they are pond scum compared to the PC master race. LOL. 

Isn’t it irnoic LGBT supporters call people who simply disagree with their lifestyle bigots and disrespectful. And yet those same supporters are also bigots and disrespectful. This is why the extremist LGBT groups make your agenda less wanted or cared about. You force it on people and expect them to accept “or else”.

Am I the only one that noticed the woman on the bike apparently is sitting on the bar and not the seat? Thats got to cause some serious hoohaa pain. Not sure what its the first thing I noticed. Maybe my OCD. 

Its sort of like Jehova Witnesses. They are a small group but force themselves upon you, even at your own home. Its no way to make people want to hear your message. It just puts up peoples defenses.

Every new show that comes out I tell my self “Lets see the trailer/ads for it, I bet they have a LGBT person!”. Whats

Truth is a hard medicine to take. ;)

Give me a break. You’re so whiny that your no in everything. What else do you want? Worship? Pretty much every movie, tv show and game have some LGBT character now. You’re REALLY good at shoving you’re agenda down everyone’s throat. If people even hint they disagree with you, you go nuts and turn people into the

Typical liberal article writer, whines about how vile someone is then does something vile too. Major fail on your part. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’ll quote Markus from Detroit when he had to choose between killing someone or not killing them:
“An eye for and eye and the world goes blind. We won’t punish a crime

Irony of this post is if you read what Michael says, he qualifies since he hates all white people constantly. So really does he have any room to speak about racism when he is racist? And I love how most of the comments who agree are greyed because The Root believes in freedom of speech...as long as you hate white