
VERY WOW!!! MUCH WANT!!!! I must buy this! Its what I always wanted for a new C&C game! MIND BLOWN!!!<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
/end super sarcasm

AWEOMSE!!! C&c on mobile! Its what I always wanted! OMG! SO WOW, MUCH WANT!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
/end overly dramatic sarcasm

I’m so annoyed mine didn’t make the list! I mean I didn’t actually make one, still though. :P

Its Conan, I expected people to be racist griefers sadly.

LOL. LGBT always have to make everyone gay so they continue to feel like special people. Sad.

LGBT always seeking attention and suing everyone. Yep, not shoving it down our throats! lol

I’m offended theres no Straught hotline. Guess we don’t get special treatment! I’ll be so happy when theres a #StraightPrideAwareness movement that starts. Then LGBT will be going nuts because they aren’t special anymore. And don’t say “Um, straight people are always celebrated year round!”. I don’t recall seeing a

This is where a gun comes in handy. If he was up my bumper like that being a ass, I’d simply walk out of my car and empty a clip of ammo into his engine. This way he has no where to go since his engine is dead.

Or better yet throw a bomb in his car as he drives by. Detonate it some time later.

I just bought the Hitman game season thing a few months ago and loved it. It redeemed itself after Absolution. Now that I am used to episodic stuff though, not sure how I feel about it changing yet again. But whatever, I’ll take any Hitman I can get!

The only Sim fans left seem to be people with depression or are anti-social. They treat their game as a real place. Its sad really. Theres a fine line between “an escape” in gaming and just becoming mentally unstable and living in your game world. Reminds me of the crazy fans of Second Life.

Be awesome if you could play those! Only down side is they never look good in game. Unless you may install better mods of course.

The Root, pretends to be a “black site” but it just a racist site always showing the trouble black people go through since they are the only people who have problems in the world. I’m sure food truck people never yell at anyone else whos not black. >.> Side note, I wouldn’t mind seeing video BEFORE she started filming

I’m a NV hater. I only played it once. Just felt so repetitive and boring. I also got super lost eventually trying to remember who each person/faction felt and who to pick...etc. I am enjoying F4 but have yet to finish it. So much to do. With F3 I had over 2,000 hours in it.

LGBT. The “lifestyle” of peace. They call you homophobic for disliking them, yet they are allowed to be religiphobic for “hating” religion. Seems they feel they are special snowflakes.

Last week Steam had its “free games” event. I decided to play Borderlands 2, mind you have it for Xbox 360, all its dlc and have over 2200 hours in it. So when the game started up on PC my mind was blown at just how different it looks. I had it maxed out. Everything was crisp, there was TONS more details enabled for

One girl has a cameltoe. Just sayin....

I’d rather have another Battlefield Vietnam game. I REALLY want a new version of that. This way we can actually have really dense jungles, foilage...etc to hide in/fight in.

What a useless “Trick”. I mean I get it, its funny but...eh.

Sounds more like your saying “If anyone disagrees with you, turn them in because they obviously are trolls if they don’t agree with what was said!”. Must be a millennial who was never taught just because someone has a differing view doesn’t mean they a troll.

Exactly. Or maybe its just a game or a writing style. SJWs make me sick turning everything into something.