
Really Rafi? Shaming people that had nothing to do with it? Heck I own guns and proud of it. Nothing wrong with guns. Guns do not kill people. People kill people. And without guns they would just find other ways. Explosives, cars, knives...etc.

The FASTEST way is to open the dishwasher door all the way and turn on a fan so it blows into the dishwasher. Within about 10 minutes theres is not a drop of water left on anything. You could leave it open only a crack as suggested but the problem is it still leaves alot of water and it takes way longer to dry (like

I started pirating after two things happening:
1. They stopped allowing you to return games after they were opened (this was before every game had a key really).

2. They stopped making demos.

3. Crappy requirements. So often my specs would meet the minimum requirements, but not be over the big requirements. I’d get a

Are emulators and roms “pirating”? What about if you used to own for example Mario RPG but don’t now but play it on a emulator? If I can’t buy the game and have no way to play it then is it still illegal? I get relatively modern games/systems are like even a Xbox 360 of course.

$20 for 9 hours? Hmm. I mean its better than some games which charge $10 for 2 hours. Still no real replay value for me to want to spend $20. I’ll wait until Steam has its big sales and get it for like $5.

Meh, my interest in this is now gone. I don’t want prequels anymore for games, movies, books...etc.

Xbox 360 controllers I love even more than the XBone ones. I used to like PS controllers but after Xbox came out I enjoyed how they had the stuff laid out better. Now when I try PS controllers I just can’t use them, it feels so weird. My hands feel akward.

Only other controller I enjoyed (not counting classic ones)

Emulator and roms. Your welcome. Come on, we all know its illegal but everyone uses them. I used to but got bored.

Airborne I’ll go for. I REALLY enjoyed that game. Other then that its a terrible selection this month. Rayman Edition 17? Ugh. Empty House Simulator? Snore. The Turing Test of Portal Puzzles? Meh.

So really what your saying is anything whites do that blacks do not like makes a white person racist? Sounds more like reverse racism where blacks have black privilege and cannot be criticized at all thanks to their power to throw out the word racist.

Why do you live in america then? Feel free to go back to wherever

So really what your saying is anything whites do that blacks do not like makes a white person racist? Sounds more like reverse racism where blacks have black privilege and cannot be criticized at all thanks to their power to throw out the word racist.

Why do you live in america then? Feel free to go back to wherever

Good I do not wish to watch something that allows unpatriotic people to play. Its the national anthem/flag, which has nothing do with whatever they are complaining about.

So its still a game for perverts? BTW not saying Mike is, he reviews games after all. But I can’t help but notice mainly men (especially asian) play games with underage schoolgirls in small skirts. I mean why is that so appealing? Look at the game everyone seems to enjoy “Yandere simulator”. The game is super sexual,

To bad the game sucks. I love the story but can’t ever stand the gameplay in the series. So I just end up watching other people play it online.

Problem is it still uses your PC even while your in another room on your TV. So in my case my wife wouldn’t be able to watch her tv shows she records, so she would want to use the PC, thus rendering a steambox pointless. :( I could just get rid of my wife but then thats also boring.

They should indeed for every one of them. To bad they have contracts. Maybe when their contracts are up, no one should hire them back. I mean they make crazy amounts of money so what do they know of all the supposed problems black face? They have black privilege. Its like a billionaire acting like they understand what

LOL. Right because you know what its like being black as someone who is ALSO a rich guy living in a mansion. Oh and we are all children of God and yet you hate white people. Hypocrite.

If America is just so terrible then why do you still live here? I mean its like living in a house built on top of a active volcano and

They should indeed for every one of them. To bad they have contracts. Maybe when their contracts are up, no one should hire them back. I mean they make crazy amounts of money so what do they know of all the supposed problems black face? They have black privilege. Its like a billionaire acting like they understand what

If America is just so terrible then why do you still live here? I mean its like living in a house built on top of a active volcano and whining every time it burns down as if you are forced to live there. I hate to say it but maybe the racists are right... go back to africa. Then you will see life doesn’t suck as much

If America is just so terrible then why do you still live here? I mean its like living in a house built on top of a active volcano and whining every time it burns down as if you are forced to live there. I hate to say it but maybe the racists are right... go back to africa. Then you will see life doesn’t suck as much