

Is this article satire? Maybe a troll article? Oh wait you’re serious?
I’m supposed to tip them? Never heard of that. And I travel often. Sounds more like staff just trying to make you feel guilty that they don’t make a lot. Sorry but you can always find another job. Or

So glad the program is being axed. Its a slap in the face to those of us who fought hard, spent alot, missed years of time, emotionally drained...etc to bring people here from another country through LEGAL routes.

Am I saying the kids of illegals did something wrong? Well no. Their parents did. They should blame their

I wonder why people never pick on muslims? Oh right, because they fear retaliation. Christians protest against something, media goes bonkers and people act like the world is ending. Mulsims throw a few gay men off a roof.. crickets.

Irony here is when I heard about the threw the men off I was in tears and was sad for

I wonder if Michael even read his history. You know how we got black slaves? Blacks sold us their own country men from africa. And yet blacks praise africa and go there because its their “home land”. Right.... I wouldn’t be proud or celebrating the place where my ancestors sold my family into slavery.

I loved Hot Shots. I wish this was game was on Xbox or PC. (sigh)

Given most games do it now its not like you can get mad at this game alone.

I’d help her but shes a racist. Heck the Root seems to be based around bashing white people simply because we exist. I’m sure there will be non-black people who will donate to her. Non-black people may have helped her where she has had shelter. Maybe they have served her food. I’m sure stuff she owns(owned?) was made

Despite reading the title I still thought that picture was real. >.<

I honestly don’t care for the games, despite the fact its a genre I like. With that said I love watching people play the game because its beautiful and has a great story. Which yes I know, sounds confusing since how can I hate the game but like alot about it. I guess I just like the Tomb Raider series more in terms of

Just don’t give her big breasts. This has nothing to do with SJW or what not. I’m just tired of women looking overly sexual in games. I love Lara NOT because of her “Sex appeal” but because she was one of the first real female heros in a game (I’m a guy btw). Its why I like the modern TR games where she looks

I am mixed on the update. While it did make the game WAY better, it also added a ton of new issues. Here is a short list of pros and cons:

-Better story that really gets you involved.
-Creative mode
-New kinds of vehicles while on a planet.
-Planets feel somewhat more alive and different... almost.
-Space fights

I’m buying this HANDS DOWN. I HATE COD since they went modern because each time it just became overly complex and stupid. Having seen people play this it feels like how it used to be. Now I have a reason to buy COD again.

If that is the only thing you can write about for news then you need a new line to work since its obvious you can’t let go of your hatred for one second. I mean pretty desperate grasp at straws to go after what shoes she wears. Are you the one that also wrote about how Trump likes his steak with ketchup?

I’ll be

Now we need a Minions/Rabbids spin off game and move. It will be the most crazy “WTF” thing ever.

Ugh you people are so over dramatic. 6,000 White Supermists have a march and people are panicking as if the world is ending, more so in america. They have been here forever now, nothings changed. Trump wins and people act like they are going to take over america.

Take a chill pill people. 6,000 people does not mean

I just complain to AT&T. After awhile they are like “We can upgrade your connection from 18Mbps to 22mbps for free since you have been having trouble with this issue!”. I now get them giving me 28mbps and my price hasn’t changed. ^_^

#1 Move to Korea where yo8u get 1gig speeds for like $10. Yes I realize why its cheap and fast and cheap there. I just like hating on our crappy system in America.

$8 for a 20 minute game? No thanks. Having seen a video of it playing for a few minutes... it looks TERRIBLE. Sound and music are bad. Gameplay looks bad. As a fan of Tron and classic games... this looks crappy for $8. I realize it was made for GameJam but none the less.... ugh.

I got the update and my save game was GONE. I spent at least 120+ hour exploring, cataloging items, trading, building three bases on “tropical” looking planets. I had a a top notch ship, guns, freighter, maxed back pack thing...etc.

Now its ALL gone. Heres the problem though that makes it worse. I decided to start