
In ohio we call it pop too.

I can’t stand Kingdom Hearst. Always feels like its made for kids and “Tweens” with its corny stories, music, dialogue...etc.

I’d like to see the Root (since this is about black culture after all and issues it faces) write about a SUPER common problem that the black community seems to ignore.

I stopped watching when you called it tomato sauce. I mean yes, its all it really is to some degree. But still as an american my heart broke. Well and as an italian my heart broke more. In my wifes country they use banana ketchup on pasta and on pizza. Just gross and disgusting. Ketchup is not meant fort pizza or

Ah I see that was very helpful. Especially about leaving it to rest. I usually quickly set it up to eat.

Is it ok to compare this to people who spam Ryus shoryuken? Kind of a cheap tactic but it can get the job done.

I think this all depends on your marriage. I mean the default “perfect” marriage should be... well perfect. But no marriage is perfect.

For example my wife is from another country so sometimes I am passive aggressive because she won’t listen/change her ways. Now mind you I don’t believe in marrying someone and

What kind of ice? I mean icecubes come in all sizes now. My trays make ice that are about an inch long and half an inch wide.

So... I have some burger issues. Mine are the typical patty from a store in the meat section. My problem is I have issues with blood. So when I think the burger is done I will stab it with a fork to see if its done. And 99% of the time blood comes oozing out instead. So how do I cook it and know its done inside

This is why I stopped supporting Nintendo years ago. Not only are they behind with technology, but they don’t know how to expand into a bigger market. They only know how to do Zelda, Mario....etc. Sure one could say “They are a big company that does well!”.

No, because they offer more family friendly stuff they are

Twinkle Popo...... O.o Yep that wouldn’t designate with the west. Especially because it would sound weird talking about. “Oh man you got to play this game Twinkle Popo! Its awesome!”. Signs like some kind of game about a cop whos a fairy.

And america died when it happened, if they had only known at the time the direction it would send this country into. Now being LGBT people are legal to marry and breed, but also they praised for coming out. Even Catlyn Jenner whos just a guy really, though LGBT hate him for some reason. Now the agenda doesn’t stop

Nope and nope plus a side of nope. Ever since Chuck E Cheese and small town parks where they have animatronics I’ve been terrified of them. Watching the video I only lasted about 18 seconds before stopping. Gives me goosebumps.

And oddly enough I don’t find games with animatronics (including FNAF) scary at all. Maybe

Was it a white cop? I mean obviously if it wasn’t a white cop this story wouldn’t be online. Especially at a site called “root” aka “site name to sound like a good thing but actually is about african americans being racist instead”

No Xboned? :( Well guess I’ll get it on Steam.

After that sad attempt on Xbox 360 of the top down Crash mode, I totally gave up on the studio. That game was terrible. I mean it was cute for the first few minutes then it got old fast. And then I seen Dangerous Golf and wondered if maybe the head of the company was doing LSD and forgot what made the company popular

Eh. This is why I loved Games with Gold more on Xbox/Boned. Heck with 360 you get to keep the games for good. But whatever the case on both systems you get quality games. I think this month or last month you got Borderlands 2 free and it was the fancy decked out edition.

Thats what I was thinking. Micro Machines did recently release a new version of there game but it was TERRIBLE. I think its on Android and IoS.

I haven’t watched it yet but seeing all the trailers, pics...etc I just don’t see anything worth watching. Looks like just lots people and talking and some random “mental” scenes. Guess I am spoiled by Xmen type Marvel movies that have action.

Well like most things people get sick of certain themes after awhile. So WW2 went away for a few years. I’m glad its back because unlike others I love WW2 themed games. I think I seen your post to, I had mentioned Battlefield Vietnam and Vietcong were the last two I can think of. Actually I LOVED Vietcong. The MP was