Regular Sized Randy

I don't know about them, bst Sicilians are definitely black, right?

i would watch a couple of hours if it was " Is there a chance the track could bend?"

One of these days, Caffeine Spider, I'm gonna punch you in the face!

what are the rules?

Bob is great, but he's no match for any one of the Belcher children.

If you don't get hooked by the very first minute of the pilot, you'll never get the show.

No way, not only he's straigh but he's also long dead… nevermind, that was Barry White!

Ray's always been the grumpy heart of the show.

The actress who plays Athena Dante is calles Latisha Di Venuto, not a bad name either.

Winston's got a Old Dirty Bastard vibe going on. Too bad he isn's smiling so we can check his teeth.

What about Larry?

hhmmmm… congealed french fry grease…

She's both Chinese and Hawaiian, it doesn't get much less white than that.

Only seven actors of color nominated? Did you forget Emma Stone?

SIX SEASONS AND A - nevermind, wrong show.

There's no argument. Any musical not related to Trey Parker or Rachel Bloom utterly sucks.

I´m from Brazil, The following bands not only existed but where the among most popular ones in the 80s and early 90s: Success Mudguards, Titans of Yeah-Yeah-Yeah, Urban Legion, Engineers from Hawaii, None of Us, Kid Bee, Red Baron. But my favorite one was Fausto Fawcett & the Ephemeral Robots.