
@Hello Mister Walrus: Disagree, the kooky professors project if it pays off increases the value of the institutions degrees while the campus green or athletic center remodel does not. Wasn't really my point though. Don't really see the future being so bleak for science just be cause of a few years of poor govt

@Hello Mister Walrus: Seems like the steadily skyrocketing cost of tuition at universities could go a long way to fund much of the pure science research we need to fill the gaps not covered by private enterprise and govt.

Umm, seems more likely to desensitize drivers to little girls chasing balls in the road once people become accustom to the illusions being there than anything else.

@JoshGlzBrk: I can see your iPhone from my house!

re-re-re-revealed by you!

@Accordion: Sorry should have been more specific. Not meaning just the demos. Referring to connectivity at the events in general. There are like 400 journalists in these rooms uploading pictures, video, live blogging, etc. Just want to know if their connectivity experience is in line with the problems in the demos or

Why didn't MS have problems yesterday? Wasn't it in the same room?

Drab....waiting on the battery pack with the PhoneBalls-esque battery meter asthetic.

@deciBels: None of them, he'll get around to meeting with them next week.

"Past 30 day app downloaders"?

I expected more melting....... disappointed. Try again, next time use more iPads, more blowtorches and possibly some little green army men.

@funakoshi.gichin.shotokan: "have to do better to retain the lead" sounds like unimpressed to me. Personally, I think he's just sour cause he didn't get to make the 1st wifi only, iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 video call.

I was sitting in my office one day when I had the idea, all of the windows updates I already have should be rolled into a service pack and just like that Windows 7 Service Pack 1! Its like they knew what I was thinking.

The iPhone 24 only comes in 16/32YB!! WTH where is the 64YB version!