You know you’re old when your thinking; Isn’t Batman supposed to be a detective?
You know you’re old when your thinking; Isn’t Batman supposed to be a detective?
And yet Elon will never notice you.
Jalopnik has become a leftist circle-jerk so don't worry about all the hate thrown your way. We need to mix cars and politics now apparently. Ask even one of these people what "far-right" even means
What exactly is far-right? Don’t know about over there, but here in the US, it means that anyone who is not woke.
what car did the WRX fuck, to end up with an STI and a CVT?
Huh? Wrong.
Those San Jose weirdos are actually driving around in Priuses, Teslas, and Subarus. At least pick an accurate stereotype.
and here I am trying to steal 120 $1000 cars like a chump.
Oh yeah? Well if you know MY guy, you’d know in the right places you can get one for only 14 tons of 6-9mm granite pea-gravel (=/<1%RCS).
I don’t know I’d consider that “camping” as it had just passed the work truck. While I’m not familiar enough with autopilot to know how much room after passing it typically leaves before merging in front again, I probably wouldn’t have merged over by the time the BMW swerves around. And besides, going at the rate he…
I don’t see the appeal of dark mode... it hurts my eyes more than the regular mode.
I feel your pain. It hurt seeing the engines being run to destruction in the “cash for clunkers” program, where they drained the oil and put in a sodium silicate solution before turning the engine on and rev it until it seized.
A space specific branch of the armed forces was not a Trump invention. It’s been pushed for by various agencies for a couple decades now, and is unlikely to be undone.
But if no one is eating salads anymore, when are women going to be able to laugh?
“Let”? LOL Cats go where they please whether you “let” them or not. You may think you’ve trained your cats to stay off the counter, but when you leave them alone in the house, all bets are off.
I don’t recall the ant planning for the future being presented as the problem in the parable of the Ant and the Grasshopper.
Raph, you need to join Erik in never again being allowed to talk about stocks.
Wrong. They are back-up lights. I would know because I had to fuck with the things for 10 years as a mechanic.