End Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Gee, our old LaSalle ran great.

Not with Nathan Peterman around.

It’s likely Mack will force a fumble Sunday by mean-mugging a Bill from the sideline.


His mother barely acknowledges him.

You go to a VERY different Jack-in-the-Box than I do (La Brea and Jefferson in Los Angeles).

Username fail.

The Most Entertaining Man in Show Business.

Body doesn’t look like his dad’s, but that HOME RUN TROT tho. Vlad Jr. indeed.

The answer to your L.A. question is: no; locals have called it Loyola-Marymount all along. Unlike Loyola-Chicago, which is locally just “Loyola.”

If you passed; sure. Knock yourself out.


“Dog whistle...”

And ... in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!

The E-type made me make an indecent sound in my seat, damn you.

There’s a picture of Andre with Wilt Chamberlain (7'2") and Arnold Schwarzenegger (6'1") on the set of Conan the Destroyer. Andre was about 6'11". The rest of your points are well-founded, but there was considerable exaggeration of Andre’s height by the wresting PR machine.

Interestingly, posting slate.com links shaves 10 points off your IQ as perceived by others.

Granting everything you said, Muresan ran the same way.