Captain Untouchable / UncleWanKenobi

What’s great about the system in Fallout 4 is that you can basically decide separately a) what the armour will look like, and b) how much protection it will give. If you only want to wear leather amour across your chest and on one shoulder... instead of suffering a penalty for not having a full set of armour on, you

The fact that you can’t modify the militia helmet bugs the hell out of me.

Since you have Maxson’s coat, I’m guessing you had to kill him at some point. How far through the Brotherhood side of things are you able to get before you need to pick a side? I want to milk those guys for all I can get in terms of gear/companions/etc, but I don’t want to end up finding myself accidentally allied

Ultralight versus Deep Pockets is my dilemma right now. I’ve been focusing on crafting, so I haven’t put very much into strength just yet. Without Deep Pockets, I can barely make it through a quest without running out of space. (Been doing a lot of settlement building, so I end up with a lot of junk)

Unfortunately you can’t quiiiiite rename everything: you can only rename items that can be modified as a workbench.

There’s more than just 2 obvious solutions.

I think you’re looking at it a little backwards.

It’s a shame that the list of things you can apply ballistic weave to is so sporadic. For some reason, I can apply it to a clean blue suit and a dirty black suit, but I can’t apply it to a clean black suit - so no running around as a wasteland Man in Black for me.

From the sound of it, a lot of issues here aren’t with the interface per se... it’s with the lack of tutorial telling you how to use the interface. The initial phase in Vault 111 was oddly lacking in a VATS tutorial if memory serves, and the “the closer together the brackets are, the less hidden you are” info is one

Based on this article, it actually sounds like a mouse makes life a lot easier - for the pip boy at least. The map is pretty straight forward with a mouse, and you can scroll wheel and click to navigate through most menus rather than having to worry about what key does what.

The logic of it doesn’t matter, though. The Empire is arrogant. Their soldiers wander around in bright white armour, and for the last twenty years they have ruled through fear. Galactic civilization has existed for hundreds of thousands of years: they aren’t exploring, there are no new primative cultures to encounter

Why would they even do that, though?

There’s one slight hiccup in your logic.

The visuals are a big part of that, IMO. Fallout 4 is colourful, it has more variety, weather patterns, different styles of location, more complicated/detailed/varied buildings... it’s more visually interesting and engaging.

That “looks” part is really important. I enjoyed New Vegas for the story/gameplay, but I really struggled with Fallout 3, and even with NV I can only play for so long before I get... bored is the wrong word; it’s more getting tired of how samey things are. With everything being so grimy and colourless, with all those

I’ve been running up on that problem, until I found “Vegetable Starch” under Utilities at the cooking workbench. Takes some of the stuff that your settlement peeps will grow for you, and it’ll break down into 5 adhesives. Takes a little setting up to get it going, but it sure as hell beats scavenging the wasteland for

Except that Fallout 3 absolutely does have a lot of the elements you’re talking about. Once you know how to hack one computer, you can repeat that process at every other computer, provided that you raise your stats to a sufficient level. Lockpicking is the same. It has certain options that are unlocked to you if your

The distinction that makes sense to me is that when most people say RPG, rather than “roleplaying game”, they actually mean “roll-playing game”.

As a non-American, I find New Vegas to be a far more accessible game. Fallout 3 seems (from my perspective) overly reliant on the fact that it is taking place in America / in DC. Because the landmarks don’t have any particular significance for me (aside from recognising them from TV and movies), it could be absolutely

Not everyone would agree on that, but in the context of what is being said here - the quality of the story given to villains - The Dark Knight Rises seems like it’s good, until you actually take a step back and think about it.