O Yeller Kinja

Hey, if it’s any consolation, thanks to the tax bill the GOP just passed and Trump’s constant mocking Kim Jong Un, we probably won’t be alive much longer!

It becomes hilarious when you consider they’ve allowed themselves to be exploited the exact same way since the Civil War.


Upvoted for the Kinja slam. I’m still in mourning about the Kinja take over.

I hun-derstand where you are coming from.

Shine a UV light on your desk. UV lights show all the sin

It is a standard Office feature.

No way.


It takes a village to raise an idiot

They’re a metaphor for her mind

Great Marky Mark impersonation.

Taking off the normal 2 or 3 inches off their reported heights, he’s only an inch or two taller than her.

Yes. Yes it most certainly is.

“And why is it she still gets an entire office to herself, while herco-workers with years more experience are stuck incubicles?

Each of the Dickens’slave boys were numbered “Tiny Tim #1", “Tiny Tim #2”, etc.

More like “Yippee-Kinja-Yay”, amerite?

She was married two years after Guyville’s release. That was nice of her parents to let both of them live in their house.

WB is run by accounts rather than creatives. Based on their “Dark Universe”mess, Universal is too.

That Becky just ain’t right