O Yeller Kinja

Conspiracies were trendy back in the 90`s (The X-Files for example). The millennium ending and Gen-X cynicism helped.

Thank you for flying Kinja Air. You will need to have an activation key in order to retain your luggage.

It’s why I totally blow off warnings from dead relatives.

Kennedy has been dead to me since she went to Fox News.

Baller? Singular? As in having only one ball?

Talking Things

The devil you say!

I voted for Tiffany.

I’m glad we could all reach some kind of aggregate. 

The Norliss Tapes

He’s talking about FOX News. That clip was from before he was fired.

Fun fact: Cavemen walked bow legged from riding dinosaurs all over the place.

You give him too much credit. He’s barely playing tic tac toe.

I like your avatar!

Seriously. The video was meant as a cautionary tale, not a “how to” manual.

Jared Leto’s using the method acting excuse tainted it for everyone else.

What the heck? I keep trying to like your post, it registers for half a second, then the like number goes down by 2.

By the time they reach 45 they’re considered horses.

“Uncomfortable and demanding” describes most of the women I date.