Oh The Huge Manatee!

Maybe they were personalizing it for you, J.T.?

The products at those Amazon links have different (higher) prices.

The products at those Amazon links have different (higher) prices.

None of those Eneloop deals are priced as you’ve posted them. The 16-pack is showing up at $41 and the Pro Pack at $53.

None of those Eneloop deals are priced as you’ve posted them. The 16-pack is showing up at $41 and the Pro Pack at

The 2TB drive is showing up for $75 for me.

The 2TB drive is showing up for $75 for me.

I probably shouldn’t brag, but Dagg, she amaze and astonish.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Has ear protection been so minimized that it’s impossible to tell whether the people in this video have protection or not?

It’s disgusting that in this instance, the guy is clearly shaving his back while in a bathtub. Who wants to bathe in a messy broth of soap suds and back hair?

It’s disgusting that in this instance, the guy is clearly shaving his back while in a bathtub. Who wants to bathe in

Is it just me, or does most of the stuff pictured here look lame, uninspired, and/or impractical?

Is it just me, or does most of the stuff pictured here look lame, uninspired, and/or impractical?

Things will quickly reach the critical point if/when the wife discovers that you’ve scratched the top of the washing machine.

This is perhaps pedantic, but the information at the link is not so much a “collection of ... books” as it is a collection of book synopses and Amazon links.

I understand that the gist of the video is to demonstrate the technique, but the final product was incredibly sloppy looking.

The AUKEY LED Mini flashlights are no longer available.

The AUKEY LED Mini flashlights are no longer available.

This. This is all that really needs to be said.

He did not throw away his shot.

If the vessel is glass, be careful to leave enough air in it to allow for the expansion of the water. Otherwise, you could end up with broken glass shards in your freezer.

“...without the customer’s’ knowledge.”

Minor typo. You probably wanted the plural possessive “...without the customers’ knowledge.”?

I love the porcelain tile in my car, but those grout lines are a bitch to keep clean.

How can you be in that car, with that happening, and NOT be impaired in some way?